Lootprop.ini settings ???
I am currently adding a set of new commodities with a "twist" (the repuation and ranking settings will be used) for our Monkey Universe mod.
I was wondering if someone can shed some light on the use of the settings of the drop_properties entry in lootprop.ini.
drop_properties = 100, 0, 11905, 1, 150, 150
Any info would be much apreciated...
Monkey Universe server admin
Info on MONKEY UNIVERSE server

I am currently adding a set of new commodities with a "twist" (the repuation and ranking settings will be used) for our Monkey Universe mod.
I was wondering if someone can shed some light on the use of the settings of the drop_properties entry in lootprop.ini.
drop_properties = 100, 0, 11905, 1, 150, 150
Any info would be much apreciated...
Monkey Universe server admin
Info on MONKEY UNIVERSE server