The colour strings in the ini files are in hexedecimal. Each colour is made up of Red Green and Blue components :
RRGGBB where each value is between 0 and 255 (00 and FF in hex).
Pure blue in this case would be 0000FF, pure red FF0000, white FFFFFF, black 000000 for example.
Using windows desktop properties, you can pick your colour and see the decimal values. Use windows calculator in scientific mode to translate to hex
A good paint package will probaly give you direct values to work from. Try The GIMP, a freeware graphics tool to rival Adobe Photoshop.
*Edit rereading your post this is probably not what you were asking, but it may help you modify cloud colurs if it looks too ugly with blue space

I like black space in Britannia but thats just me
+++ out of cheese error - redo from start +++
Edited by - anton on 8/1/2006 4:07:21 AM