Kinda jumpdrive
I suggest that someone could create a mod for instant jumping (like warping) to other systems.
I have two ideas:
1st.: A mod, that crates a in-game menu. You (player) select a system and click on your wanted spot. Game creates two jump gates/holes. One right in front of you and one in your selected cordinates. You dock with the jump gate/hole and all done.
2nd.: I think that game somewhere stores your cordinates (in temporary file or something like that). And again - you choose system and coordinates, but this time the menu changes your current coordinates to ones you choosed.
And besides the mod could add buyable warp devices in some stations. If you have one - you can warp. If you don't - you don't.
3rd.: Just make a system with jump gates/holes to every system in game
I hope that someone would like this idea and someone could make mod with something aforesaid, coz I don't know anything about modding (well maybe about changing systems), especially about creating/changing in-game menus.
I have two ideas:
1st.: A mod, that crates a in-game menu. You (player) select a system and click on your wanted spot. Game creates two jump gates/holes. One right in front of you and one in your selected cordinates. You dock with the jump gate/hole and all done.
2nd.: I think that game somewhere stores your cordinates (in temporary file or something like that). And again - you choose system and coordinates, but this time the menu changes your current coordinates to ones you choosed.
And besides the mod could add buyable warp devices in some stations. If you have one - you can warp. If you don't - you don't.
3rd.: Just make a system with jump gates/holes to every system in game

I hope that someone would like this idea and someone could make mod with something aforesaid, coz I don't know anything about modding (well maybe about changing systems), especially about creating/changing in-game menus.