Thanks a lot.
I also have additional noob questions

6. Is weapon recoil possible?
7. Is there a way to fire weapons that are oriented away from your firing reticule (i.e., outside the guns' firing arc)? I noticed that only turrets that have the reticule insinde their firing arcs fire, while others, like rear-facing turrets usually do, don't.
I'm asking all these because I have in mind the following weapon concepts:
A multiple-tube missile launcher that launches the same number of missiles as launcher tubes at once - the true Cluster missile. Slow refire rate, uses up enormous power. Has normal (Javelin, etc.), stalker, emp, torpedo and CD versions.
A huge gun, that serves as a primary cannon for special ships (like the one on Versoth's "Ragnarok" ). Drains almost all power and has recoil, if possible.
A beam blade mounted on special hardpoints on special ships, which allows them to do melee attacks on objects. I think the beam blade can be made using a very short range ultra-high refire rate gun mounted on a special non-movable hardpoint, with a medium-short featureless, headless beam effect, which gives the illusion of a continuous blade. Very effective with the Extended Keyboard Set's Roll command - makes your ship into a rolling porcupine.
All weapons have custom cmps which reflect the nature and purpose of the weapon itself.
Again, many thanks to you all.
Edited by - raycrasher on 6/26/2006 12:00:05 AM
Edited by - raycrasher on 6/26/2006 12:01:33 AM