Concepts, Ideas, Suggestions
Ok there are many small mods and new mod creators which come here to ask how they create new ships, systems and so on. And the old mod creators do a very good job to help them.
But like i said... there is not much new here... no real development (there were times when this was different).
You know that Im right with that... right now there are only a very few valueable new projects that can push the development again. One of them is the Real economy and another is the Dynamic Universe concept (which is tested on my server atm).
There are 3 problems I see.
1. Too often the word "impossible" is used here on LR (and most likely on other places aswell). When I came up with several ideas there were many people which said "thats impossible" but finally i made those concepts possible.
I seriously do suggest not to use this word any longer and better think about ways to make things possible instead. Sometimes its better to say "i dont know how it can be done" because many people just will stop researches when they read the word "impossible". It would even better to say nothing.
2. "gravedigging"... I often did read that expression here on LR when people posted on old threads. Actually i have a real problem with this expression. It is a very stupid way to say "shut up".
Where is the problem that you have a problem with people searching on old threads and posting there (no matter how old they are)?
I tell you how i see it. FL is more than 3 years old... people have started to create mods just a few months after the release. Since that time many damn cool ideas have been posted here... and many of those ideas have been forgotten again because people have said something stupid like "impossible"

Cmon think back... 2 years ago... how much did you know about modding? Did you have more or less knowledge and ability than today?
Right today we know much more and we have much more tools we can use.
Many of those old ideas were only "impossible" because we didnt know how to realize them... because we didnt have the knowledge at these times.
Well times do change... we have the tools and we have the knowledge now... it is time to stop saying "gravedigging" ... its time to start to say "hey i remember this discussion maybe we find a solution now"
(again sorry if Im too direct with what i say)
3. Final problem that i see is that we have many very good mod creators here, which are running out of ideas. And we have many new unexperienced mod creators here with new fresh ideas but without the knowledge how to realize them.
So in my eyes the task should be to encourage those new guys to post their ideas (no matter how crazy they are) and let the experienced guys make those ideas possible together with those new ones (but without saying "impossible"

Well you dont need to agree with me... that is just my oppinion... that where i see the problems.
Those of you that think now "hey old ideas are not neccessarily bad ideas" or "nothing is imposible unless you think so" or "the old still can learn from the young"... those guys should use this thread to collect new ideas, make suggestions, discuss about them and create new concepts out of these ideas.
If not then just ignore this thread. Its your decision.