MarketGood = <commodity_nickname>, A, B, C, D, E, F
A = rank to be able to buy,
B = rep to base faction to be able to buy.
You can play with these to limit who can buy. Make it 99, 0.95 and nobody can!
C, D = should have been the quantity of the item that the base will have in stock to sell to you, and how many it will buy from you. But it's not been implemented, so I don't know for sure which is which - someone said it works in SP, I'll try but I don't believe it as I have used ships in SP with over 2,000 cargo and the numbers are always 10, 10 / 50, 50 / 100, 100 / 150, 500 for these 2 values. In other older games like Elite and Privateer the dealers may only buy or sell you a certain quantity, and this is where that would have been set.
As long as both C and D are more than 1 then you can buy as many as you want or can load into your hold. You can still sell the item if you have it in your hold, no matter what this entry is.
If either C or D is below 1 (even 0.9) then the item is not shown in the dealer's list and can't be bought, but can still be sold to the dealer if you have it in your hold.
E = 0 if item is sold on the base and
E = 1 if it's NOT sold on the base. More on this below.
F as you say is the price multiplier, F x the price from goods.ini is the price you will pay or get for this item at this base. You can also use this for weapons and ammo etc... (and maybe ships too but I haven't tried that), to vary the price on different bases. An equipment trade may be set up, I think... may be worth doing at some stage.
E is used for cheat detection!

lol - I found out the hard way when I had mine accidentally set to 1 for a commodity...
I had bought a full hold of the stuff (Toxic Waste as it happens) and paid for it, and checked out from the commodity trader room with no problems. But when I launched, the dratted base police blocked me, forced me to dock again, and locked me up for cheat detected, item not sold on base!
Well, I tried to explain how I'd legitimately bought the darned stuff from this guy in the snazzy felt hat and sunglasses, who promised to load it up for me in time for me to leave on schedule, AND that I'd paid for it in full - 'course these days we don't get paper receipts and my TradComm records didn't convince them...
All they kept telling me was that the commodity just wasn't legally sold on the base, so how did I get hold of it?
'Course the guy on the hat and glasses was nowhere to be found - So it was contraband, and that, my dear, is... THAT!
Luckily the magistrate was quite sympathetic, told me it had happened before, there was some kind of underworld activity in town they were trying to trap, he said in confidence.
And he very kindly let me off, released my ship from the police pound, and put me in touch with this insurance company that refunded the money I'd given the guy in the felt hat, as my cargo was impounded - not sure what they did with it after that, as it wasn't legal - maybe they sold it off on the black market and put the proceeds towards fun and food for the annual Police Ball?
Darn! These black marketeers! Geez!
Keep the humour going,it's all the rage!
Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!