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Weird weapon storage?
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Uh, has anyone noticed, that you can pick up any number of weapons in the space even the different ship type weapons, but you can't buy a single turret to keep in in your light fighter's cargo? (for example to buy and storage an only locally available weapon for your future bought new ship, which ship is available to buy very far away and therefore you wouldn't need to come back for that weapon) Is there any fix for this very very stupid bug? Made me stop playing this game actually at level 3.
You can only buy weapons that can be mounted, so without a turret slot, you can't buy a turret at all.
AFAIK it isn't a bug, it was very much intentionally done. You can tractor in the turrets from other ships though when you destroy them, and generally you'll pick up better ones than you can buy. It doesn't take that long to fly from one side of the universe to the other, seems a little extreme to drop a game simply because you may have to spend a few minutes to go back for another turret instead... but whatever floats yer boat
AFAIK it isn't a bug, it was very much intentionally done. You can tractor in the turrets from other ships though when you destroy them, and generally you'll pick up better ones than you can buy. It doesn't take that long to fly from one side of the universe to the other, seems a little extreme to drop a game simply because you may have to spend a few minutes to go back for another turret instead... but whatever floats yer boat

So where exatly do you put those tractor beamed weapons? Pulling after yourself by your beam all the way home? You can't even beam in an extra nanobot to a full ship, but 50 turrets are OK....????? Ridiculous.... Why can I store the weapon upgrades on ship when I'm in space and can't when I'm on a station anyway?
This IS a bug!!!
And freakishly stupid!!!!
Edited by - edvin on 4/22/2006 8:14:02 AM
This IS a bug!!!
And freakishly stupid!!!!
Edited by - edvin on 4/22/2006 8:14:02 AM
Okay, then it's a bug - oh dear, damn, what a shame - it's the END OF THE WORLD. Only joking obviously, but you're taking this rather seriously for a game feature...
You can't buy weapons classes you cannot mount - they were grayed out for the really really stupid people who attempted to buy them and then didn't know why they couldn't fix them on their ship, think of it like that.
Its a shop, they don't sell you stuff you can't handle - but like everything else in the world, if you find em in space you can get them.
Nanbots/shield bats have finite limits for BALANCE purposes, so no - you cannot just tractor them in until your hold is jammed with them.
Not all games are for everyone, so if these features make it unacceptable for you to play, then I guess you will just have to not play.
Edited by - Chips on 4/22/2006 9:36:25 AM
You can't buy weapons classes you cannot mount - they were grayed out for the really really stupid people who attempted to buy them and then didn't know why they couldn't fix them on their ship, think of it like that.
Its a shop, they don't sell you stuff you can't handle - but like everything else in the world, if you find em in space you can get them.
Nanbots/shield bats have finite limits for BALANCE purposes, so no - you cannot just tractor them in until your hold is jammed with them.
Not all games are for everyone, so if these features make it unacceptable for you to play, then I guess you will just have to not play.
Edited by - Chips on 4/22/2006 9:36:25 AM
I think that's an extremely gross bug, since the game is already full of meaningless travelling and repetitive missions and i MEAN repetitive, so to put this awfully unexplainable difficulty into it can not be else than deliberate stupidity.
Not to mention being forced to watch every each times the landing sequence and no skipping???? Intro you can watch only once??? No invert mouse???? AND EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME I SPEAK WITH THE VERY SAME PERSON I'V BEEN ASKED IF IT IS MY FIRST VISIT?????????????????????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I mean what's the matter with this people, have they never seen how annoying this things can be in other games???? It seems to me, they focused too much on the deatils in the single player cutsenes design, so they didn't have time to invent a proper gaming world. You can read all those million missing things in this forum ,,What do you miss in Freelancer/Wish for FL2,, section. Generally I feel it is a mixture of an unfinished Spaceship Simulation/Trade/RPG/Strategy and some part of an FPS Game used as cutscenes. Generally I think they could have finished and improved the other parts Instead of those cutscenes.
Not to mention being forced to watch every each times the landing sequence and no skipping???? Intro you can watch only once??? No invert mouse???? AND EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME I SPEAK WITH THE VERY SAME PERSON I'V BEEN ASKED IF IT IS MY FIRST VISIT?????????????????????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I mean what's the matter with this people, have they never seen how annoying this things can be in other games???? It seems to me, they focused too much on the deatils in the single player cutsenes design, so they didn't have time to invent a proper gaming world. You can read all those million missing things in this forum ,,What do you miss in Freelancer/Wish for FL2,, section. Generally I feel it is a mixture of an unfinished Spaceship Simulation/Trade/RPG/Strategy and some part of an FPS Game used as cutscenes. Generally I think they could have finished and improved the other parts Instead of those cutscenes.
@ Edvin, you can blame it all on Microsoft, they pushed and pressured the guy's at Digital Anvil to get it ready for the release of the original XBox. They finally realised that it was a no brainer and decided to recoup some of thier money by butchering it for the PC instead. If they'd left it to DA this game would have put the X series to shame, but as usual M$ cocked it up (must be great making so much money from shoddy products).
Bejaymac -is there anything concrete that at all that backs up a single word you are saying?
Whilst MS may have pushed for a release - it's pretty clear why. DA was practically bankrupt - it's well known that Starlancer was a financial flop as it sold very badly. Freelancer was in production for a very very long time, and paying all those wages without any return will eventually result in a game being pushed forward. How long do you expect a game to stay in production - especially as the last one wasn't successful? They had 2+ years once MS bought them, and we finally ended up with the Freelancer we have.
Yes, it's lacking features, and yes - early videos made it look more Starlancer-esque than it ended up being (both spacially as well as graphically/gameplay wise), but we did get a game that we enjoy didn't we? Well, some of us enjoy
Well, they could - you could make all weapons take volume in the hold - solving the issue of storing too many. As for buying weapons you cannot mount - no, but then not all of us view this as a bug either...
Edited by - Chips on 4/22/2006 4:47:07 PM
Whilst MS may have pushed for a release - it's pretty clear why. DA was practically bankrupt - it's well known that Starlancer was a financial flop as it sold very badly. Freelancer was in production for a very very long time, and paying all those wages without any return will eventually result in a game being pushed forward. How long do you expect a game to stay in production - especially as the last one wasn't successful? They had 2+ years once MS bought them, and we finally ended up with the Freelancer we have.
Yes, it's lacking features, and yes - early videos made it look more Starlancer-esque than it ended up being (both spacially as well as graphically/gameplay wise), but we did get a game that we enjoy didn't we? Well, some of us enjoy

However, nothing else can be done, I'm afriad
Well, they could - you could make all weapons take volume in the hold - solving the issue of storing too many. As for buying weapons you cannot mount - no, but then not all of us view this as a bug either...
Edited by - Chips on 4/22/2006 4:47:07 PM
EDVIN .... You know .... You could always FIX the problems yourself ... Make your own mod correct what you see as a problem ... and see if other like it. Make it so you can mount anyything, anywhere, put all of the systems bases and planets inside one system or give yourself SUPER WARP speed, or hey .. May be you could program the next version of Freelancer. Or hey .. here's an idea ... GROW UP ... and realize this is a GAME! NOT YOUR LIFE ... Kind of like TV ... you don't like the show ... CHANGE THE CHANNEL... so if you don't like FREELANCER and you have stopped playing it ... THEN, WHY ARE YOU HERE COMENTING ON YOUR NON-PLAYING CONCERNS ? Oh wait .. You probably don't have anyone else to talk to so you post online about stuff like this.
Didn't DA also fall behind on Freelancer and MS got mad at them for that also and told them to warp it up?
I dunno, that's why i was asking if anyone has any sources! There are plenty of people willing to say things on the internet, but reading someone elses comments/drawing up your own conclusions do not mean that they are actually true... I've read so many differing opinions about what happened, but nearly all of them were from this site's members, and non had any sources. Now when I read someone stating something, I pretty much ignore them unless they can provide some actual reference for it - because it's highly likely it has no substance to the stories.
On the flip side though, it may be 100% true! But to state things, there should always be a source given too.
Well I think I've heard it with the comments and posts from around ehre and on some game sites, and they said that the guy who was programming the MP fell behind on it and MS bit DA for the delay update on the game.
Don't know if it's 100% true, but I know I've seen news about them falling behind on some project.
Don't know if it's 100% true, but I know I've seen news about them falling behind on some project.
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