I have established some things..
When you create the sur in milkshape.. the grouping of polygons on a 'plane' will create extra vertex's i.e. where the groups form a common vertex junction.. this creates a problem with the mesh .. now I dont know if its an anomaly created by milkshape or if it applies to other modelling programs (max does as well - mainly because it doesnt like multiple groups and handling them in max is cumbersome anyway).. but it can be fixed.. (Argh had some progress with this but I dont know how far he got).. by using Lithium Unwrap (freeware)
Create the .sur in milkshape (with autosmooth UNCHECKED - very important), do the groups thing, select all, weld vertexs, and save.. then run the completed '.sur model' through Lithium Unwrap' \tools\optimise.. this handy easy to use tool will remove duplicate vertexs.. I wonder if its the same function...? (the added advantage that Lithium gives you is 3d mapping tools..)
So far, while far from perfect these work the best so far.. more work to do though..
I'll take a look at the proggy you suggest.. but I am lost by your reference to TRIANGLE STRIP
... But that does not surprise me since programming is to me a collection of random squiggles.. lol
I have established some things..
When you create the sur in milkshape.. the grouping of polygons on a 'plane' will create extra vertex's i.e. where the groups form a common vertex junction.. this creates a problem with the mesh .. now I dont know if its an anomaly created by milkshape or if it applies to other modelling programs (max does as well - mainly because it doesnt like multiple groups and handling them in max is cumbersome anyway).. but it can be fixed.. (Argh had some progress with this but I dont know how far he got).. by using Lithium Unwrap (freeware)
Create the .sur in milkshape (with autosmooth UNCHECKED - very important), do the groups thing, select all, weld vertexs, and save.. then run the completed '.sur model' through Lithium Unwrap' \tools\optimise.. this handy easy to use tool will remove duplicate vertexs.. I wonder if its the same function...? (the added advantage that Lithium gives you is 3d mapping tools..)
So far, while far from perfect these work the best so far.. more work to do though..
