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regenerating hull
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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I always liked flying all the cool organic ships. You know, the nomad fighter gunboat battleship, and the good old yhuuzhan whatshisnames coralskipper. Now i do not like the fact that in order to live very long, i have to dodge as many shots as possible, because once i take a bit of damage, thats permenant, and i either have to die, or pay absurd repair costs. This is most notable in evolutions mod, where the nomad fighter is like paper without very high grade armor, with maintenence costs topping the money i earn. This is very depressing, for this makes these ships very nonviable as effective combat ships. I would like to know what i need to make hulls regenerate. Now ive been poking around the forums, and have reasonable modding skills. ive been lead to the conclusion that this could be acomplished with some sort of fuse put on the ship, only instead of doing damage, it does negative damage, repairing the hull. is this possible?
So your saying you in reality have no idea, because you have never expieremented with it, and are just making assumptions.
What?! Where did you get that idea? I'm insulted!

Edited by - Blackhole on 1/6/2006 5:38:20 PM
I am of the opinion that such a thing is possible, but Alcander's assistance (if he's still paying any attention to FL) is needed. DA originally had repair-bots, and had nanos that repaired over time, not instantly, in the game design. My thought on this is that this code probably still exists, but either needs to be turned on again, or we just need to proper INI call.
i understand you want a second opinoin, but please don't claim i'm making things up with
Why would i reply if i had no idea what i'm talking about? As you can plainly see i DO know what i'm talking about and i do NOT like my efforts to be sideswiped as uneducated. So please, just ask for a second opinion instead of rendering mine useless.
because you have never expieremented with it, and are just making assumptions.
Why would i reply if i had no idea what i'm talking about? As you can plainly see i DO know what i'm talking about and i do NOT like my efforts to be sideswiped as uneducated. So please, just ask for a second opinion instead of rendering mine useless.
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