Flybyu ,This is one of the tricky dealers to add as this requires several files to be editted. Toledo or St01_01_base has 5 rooms one of which is already setup for a com.trader, this is another of DA's rush jobs to get the game out.
On to the editting

first up open St01_01_bar.ini and add this between the bar and equipment HOTSPOT's:-
behavior = ExitDoor
room_switch = Trader
Add it to the same spot in these as well.
Now open St01_01_lab.ini , this is you traders room ,right at the bottom you'll see this:-
room_switch = Planetscape
set_virtual_room = ShipDealer
Change to "room_switch = ShipDealer" and delete the virtual_room line.
You now have a room for your trader to appear in, now to make the NPC appear.
Open the mBases.ini in the Missions folder and scroll down to St01_01_base , copy and paste the ship dealer entry above the weapondealers so you have 2 ship dealers then the weapondealer.Now change the nickname on the 2nd.shipdealer to "st0101_fix_trader".you should now have a bartender,ship,trader and weaponsdealer.
Down to the MRoom part and add this between the shipdealer and equipment MRoom's:-
nickname = trader
character_density = 2
fixture = st0101_fix_trader, Zs/NPC/Trader/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_commtrader_fidget.thn, trader
As for stuff to buy and sell open the market_commodities.ini in the Equipment folder and select a base entry that you like the look of and copy and paste it to the bottom of the file. Then change the "base =" to :-
base = St01_01_base
Any problems with it let me know as i've written this without actually coding it, It should work but just in case
PS. don't forget to add the closing squre brackets.
PPS. got you message btw , ATM I can't get out of Liberty space with the OSP mod and until I get my monitor fixed I can't do any serious editting to fix it, as soon as I'm up and running again you'll be the first to know.
Rebalance 3.5 Dev. Team