I will paint the TLR modem red if you want... Red Wunz Go Fasta ya know
Seriousily, Baked Potatoe has hit the nail on the head. Despite the obvious legal reprecussions they are doing with it (stealling the intellectual property of other people + virtual property rights. Those models had to be built by someone who technically owns all copyright over them), people will notice the 'stolen' material and all they will feel is no end of flame. Never mind the fact that they need to put it all together first, which as any mod builder worth two salts can tell you, is no mean feat when you are talking large scale mod construction.
And off course, without Lancers Reactor backing their mod will fall flat on it's face. Lancers is the hub of all modding projects. Though many of the bigger mods have a large enough community to continue to survive for a long time should lancers reactor suddenly disappear never to be seen again (heavan forbid), they still draw upon Lancers resources, announcing their mods and servers here. Everyone within the mod community for Freelancer (whether players or modders) knows Lancers as the central hub for all mods. If it is not here, it is not worth having or even looking at. Small and new mods need Lancers Reactor or they won't go anywhere. Big mods with established community's still need Lancers Reactor to sustain themselves and put the word out about expansions and updates.
There is nothing to worry about from them, and if they do steal people's stuff (just giving credit, which is their excuse for why they can get away with it and why it is not stealing, is invalid if they have not sought the physical permission of the owner of the work to begin with), then I know there are some members of this community more than capable of bringing them to task in the courts.
Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station
'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'

Seriousily, Baked Potatoe has hit the nail on the head. Despite the obvious legal reprecussions they are doing with it (stealling the intellectual property of other people + virtual property rights. Those models had to be built by someone who technically owns all copyright over them), people will notice the 'stolen' material and all they will feel is no end of flame. Never mind the fact that they need to put it all together first, which as any mod builder worth two salts can tell you, is no mean feat when you are talking large scale mod construction.
And off course, without Lancers Reactor backing their mod will fall flat on it's face. Lancers is the hub of all modding projects. Though many of the bigger mods have a large enough community to continue to survive for a long time should lancers reactor suddenly disappear never to be seen again (heavan forbid), they still draw upon Lancers resources, announcing their mods and servers here. Everyone within the mod community for Freelancer (whether players or modders) knows Lancers as the central hub for all mods. If it is not here, it is not worth having or even looking at. Small and new mods need Lancers Reactor or they won't go anywhere. Big mods with established community's still need Lancers Reactor to sustain themselves and put the word out about expansions and updates.
There is nothing to worry about from them, and if they do steal people's stuff (just giving credit, which is their excuse for why they can get away with it and why it is not stealing, is invalid if they have not sought the physical permission of the owner of the work to begin with), then I know there are some members of this community more than capable of bringing them to task in the courts.
Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station
'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'