Actually, the only reason why I don't have Battleships in the current version of the Toolkit is because I've been working on solving all of the docking problems- which is very nearly done now- the next version of the Toolkit Mod will feature them, including player-flyable ones.
I think Battleships can be balanced regardless of cost (which is the one of the things I do *not* consider in balance- cost is pretty much irrelevant, imho, except in SP). However, for them to act like Battleships and be balanced, I've had to nerf them in various ways- basically, they'll be very slow, and they'll have turning issues (I'll be turning their damping down quite a bit, among other things).
Other things I don't include in costs, but which are arguable propositions:
1. Scanners. My feeling about scanners is that they should all be the same for player ships. IRL, I would find it a bit odd if spacecraft with the energy levels required to power big lasers and energy shields powerful enough to defeat them didn't have enough spare juice for active scanners with a maximum useful range (which, if we're talking space combat, is about one light-second). Radars that powerful are mainly a function of the technology used to gather/interpret the returning bounces... which is mainly about the efficiency of the antennas and the computers used to sort out the hash. I would have to assume that in the Freelancer future, where spacecraft are cheap enough that petty criminals can buy them... that scanners are pretty much opti-maxed technologies.
And that is why I don't bother offering scanner upgrades, and instead have pushed Scanner ranges up to the practical maximum (which is 10K). Anything higher than that doesn't seem to work right, no matter what you do- I have yet to see Scanners detect anything farther away than that, including hidden Solars, in practical tests.
2. Thrusters. Thrusters offer lots of special problems, because they make zero sense from a "realism" standpoint. If we wanted totally realistic Thrusters, then we should have a formula stating the exact ratio of thruster vs. input energy (i.e., Thruster drain) and use that to make each type of Thruster balanced- in short, Thrusters that offer more speed should drain energy more slowly. I don't *quite* go that far- I didn't use a formula- but I did some quick-and-dirty practical playtesting, and I think that the Thrusters in 1.3, when released, will probably actually use a final, balanced formula. I don't see any point in going further with that, unless Thrusters become things that cannot be upgraded- an issue with serious, SERIOUS game-balance-wrecking possiblity.
3. Weapon hardpoints. I don't include these in balance calculations, because so long as Energy is being used up, there's a direct, 1:1 tradeoff here- in short, the more Hardpoints you have, the faster you use up energy- you still fire the same number of shots (actually, if you do the math, you fire MORE shots with fewer HPs, but it's subtle). The only exception to this rule are Missiles. Missiles are going to be completely reworked for 1.3. Basically, I've decided that Missiles should all use the Torpedo/CD slots (which I'll rename to "Guided Weapons"

, and that every ship gets at least one. This will allow me to use my custom weapon CMPs for these weapons, and I can put them on "cool" places (like wingtips), and also make them stronger overall in terms of performance but less unbalanced on average compared to the FL versions. The changes introduced in 1.1, where I took a long look at their area effects (and how they affect FL's gameplay- i.e., why Cannonballs are so unbalanced in the stock game) really took a big bite out of this problem, and this set of changes will further alter these dynamics.
Lastly... I am pretty much convinced that instead of using the arbitrary distinctions between "light fighters", "heavy fighters" and "freighters" which currently exists in FL, which makes zero sense (a Rheinland "light" is more than equivalent to a Liberty "heavy"

, I'm going to redefine things so that we have meaningful classes that make sense- not divided in a meaningless way with arbitrary classes, but based on mission.
Basically, there will be three Shield variants:
1. "Pulse" Shields, that eat terrific amounts of Energy when recharging, have low hitpoint values, but reset very quickly to 100%, giving opponents a very short time to do Hull damage- IOW, you've gotta hit enemies constantly, and Missiles will probably not work well, but you don't need Shieldbusters to defeat them. Typically, these will be used by Light Fighters and combat ships that intend to defeat opponants going Missile-heavy. A good Shield type to have equipped when taking out Capships, with their slow refire rates and heavy missile batteries... not so good against opponants with Lasers or other high-ROF guns. Pirates will like them, typical players will sometimes use them, military ships will sometimes use them.
2. "Normal" Shields, based off of the current Heavy Fighter shield levels (in short, these are the defaults) which have default rates for the most part, but slightly improved reset values over current values, resetting to 10% of full. Typically, you'll see these on general-purpose Fighters and other craft. In short, these are what everybody thinks of as "shields" in FL, and I've decided to just eliminate the other two categories, which did more to arbitrarily limit ships to artificial classes than any practical good.
3. "Heavy" Shields, which will have better resistances to weapons, higher recharge, power usage and top hitpoints (ala the Freighter shields now in the current balance), but which will have much slower reset times (say, 20 seconds), but will reset to 100%. These are for Freighter pilots and military capships, where having a strong Shield with a strong recharge rate is worth the high energy costs. I'm going to include Energy drain as a practical side-effect on Military-class vessels in the next versions of the Toolkit Mod, so that capships can go "all out" with their weapons until their Shields take damage- a side-effect of having higher-ranged weapons than other ship types. Basically, Freighter pilots with these Shields will want to run while the running's good, though- the Energy lost while recharging will put a crimp on weapons use, but the recharge and resistance mean that they might be able to reach Cruise or use Engine Kill to escape.
I'll keep the current balance between Armor and Cargo and Energy production as-is. I think that it works just fine- right now, you
can have a Starflier with Class 10 Shields and weapons, but you also need a Powerplant Upgrade to use them without running out of Energy all the time, because you can't store much Energy, and the Starflier produces very little. This gives you a Starflier which is technically able to defeat a VHF... sort've. The VHF can still win on sheer firepower... but the Starflier's got manueverability to spare. And since both of them can use Engine Kill, Reverse Thrust and Strafe, the VHF's usually going to win no matter how good the Starflier pilot is, if they're both equally well kitted-out. Now, if the VHF pilot only has Class 5 weapons... he's actually (stat-av) probably better off against a Starflier, because while he can't do nearly as much damage per salvo, he's going to be able to spam a lot more, which is important against a speedy, manueverable target.
Basically... long story short... I intend to get rid of the final arbitrary areas of the original FL ship classes entirely. I've always thought they didn't make sense, and I'm going to fix them fully, and let
players decide what they want. It's taken more playtesting and a lot of thought to get this all sorted out, obviously, and I think that this is a pretty good solution, and the three Shield types will give players genuine tactical choices- not just optimax against a given weapons system. Given that I intend to play with the Loadouts of the AI-driven ships a lot more, and that Missiles will have a more "tactical" feel to them, I think this will all add up to a superior package.
I will not be making changes to flight speed. Changing that makes very little sense, in my opinion. For one thing, whatever drives they're using in the FL universe aren't really reaction drives- otherwise, there wouldn't be ANY top speeds short of the speed of light. So I have to assume they're using "traction drives" or something like that, which have some arbitrary top speed. Plus it gives light fighters some inherent advantages, in MP, which I think that most people don't see the full implications of. So I'm not going there- it's more than enough, in my opinion, that lighter, less-armored fighters with small Cargo holds are much more manueverable and accelerate much more quickly than their opponants, which, coupled with the changes introduced in previous versions of the Toolkit (i.e., no more arbitrary Weapon levels) adds up to considerable advantage, which I countered with lower Energy production to keep them in check against their heavier, less-manuevable breathren.
Sooooo... in 1.3, you can expect me to tackle the remaining, arbitrary balance distinctions of FL. Cold_Void... I understand why you're taking your path, but I really do think that instead of emphasizing the LF/HF balance, it's better to just give players the freedom to define how they're going to define a given ship's role. Given that players cannot alter certain fundamentals (handling, hardpoints) because of the nature of the game engine, it makes sense (at least to me) to give players meaningful choices about all of the other areas, instead of limiting them or pushing them down a given path- and that's what I intend to do with the next version of the Toolkit.