Reading directly from your script:
1. It has 12500 hitpoints.
2. It mounts 4 Thrusters (which, among other things, allows you to use the multi-thruster exploit, because you didn't code it right, and gives you more than "half a second" of time on thrusters- please do the math, and you'll see what I mean here).
3. It mounts Class 10 guns and turrets, and produces 1050 energy/sec, which means it can fire them for quite awhile...
4. It carries 360 cargo.
5. It has a higher base speed and strafe speed than default Freelancer fighters, let alone things like Gunships.
6. The way you've mounted the turrets will allow most of them to fire at targets in the forward arcs. Apparantly you didn't playtest this, and aren't very good at actually playing this game. FL guns do NOT shoot where the barrels point, unless you've specifically told that gun (not the mounts, not the hardpoints, but the gun's script) to only fire on the vector formed by the gun's Hpfire and HpConnect. IOW, you're just plain wrong- this will be able to fire at least 8 or more Class 10 guns on most facings. And with 4 Thrusters and a default speed of 115... I can just use Engine Kill, tap the Thrusters, and use Turret Mode all I want.
It costs less than $35K. In fact, it costs zero- the only things that cost any money are the Equipment mounted on the Hull, which has a cost of zero- so I could just drop the Class 6 Shield and basically buy this for free o_0
Please... take your idea of "balanced" and set it on fire