Jumping sequence problem (scroll down a bit please, as some
I'm currently working on the next version of my mod and got a problem.
I cloned all the story only systems to make them accessable after the story and still keep the story playable. In the Dyson Airlock system (the system with the large plane structure, which in the middle has the jumpgate to the Nomad city) I wanted to make the jumpgate to the Nomad city working. So far everything works, I can dock with the gate, it opens and I jump to the Nomad city system.
The only problem is the following.
When I want to use the gate I start in lets say this position:

I now want my ship to go into the jumpgate straight down (yes this direction and no other), like the red arrow indicates it.
The autopilot now flies the ship and I'm approaching the jumphole:

Everything good so far. Remember I want my ship to go straight down, like the red arrow.
Now comes the docking sequence and my problem.
First the ship is heading straight down as I want it (it follows my red arrow):

But shortly before I jump, the ship somehow turns, as if the jumpgate where orientated wrong:

The red arrow shows the direction I want (look at the blue engine trails and you will see that I just turned), but the ship is going after his nose.
After I encountered this problem, I though that it had to do with the orientation of the jumpgate. As I cannot change this (in the first image you see that it has to fit into the Airlock), I opened up the cmp (data/solar/misc/dyson_door.cmp) and wanted to change the orientation of the hardpoint the ship uses to dock. In the solararch.ini you can see that this hardpoint is the HpDockMountA (Here's the entry):
nickname = dyson_airlock2
ids_name = 261954
ids_info = 66800
type = JUMP_GATE
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\dyson_door2.cmp
material_library = solar\Solar_mat_dyson.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 20000
mass = 10000.000000
open_anim = Sc_open dock
open_sound = gate_open_sound
close_sound = gate_close_sound
jump_out_hp = HpDockMountA
loadout = dyson_door2
solar_radius = 600
shape_name = NAV_jumpgate
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 233
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000
Now I tried to change the orientation of this hardpoint, but no matter what I do I cannot get it so that the jumpgate sucks me in heading straight down.
When I open up the cmp in utf editor I get this for the HpDockMountA:
X = -1.72175
Y = -287.195
Z = -2.43577
In my opinion this can stay unchanged, as it is only the position and will not help me, or am I wrong?
X = 0
Y = 89
Z = 0
This has to be change, I think. But I'm not sure how. I first thought that I had to change Z and tried 89 and 179 (it's always one less, therefore not 90 and 180), but this did not make a difference. The ship still turned (in a different direction now, but still not straight down).
I also tried many other settings, but did not get it.
So, I need your help. How can I make the jumpgate so that my ship goes straight down into it.
I need this, because I also want to use this the other way (from the Nomad city back to the Airlock system) and because the current setting with the turning sometimes has bugs (When I jump back from the Nomad city I sometimes come out under the Airlock).
So, please help me with this!
Many thanks!
Black Eagle
Edited by - Black Eagle on 8/3/2005 5:03:54 PM
Edited by - Black Eagle on 8/4/2005 9:07:15 AM
Edited by - Black Eagle on 8/5/2005 5:27:18 PM