finding best path
hi there (first post).
i'm currently writing a CGI page called TradeStuff which will be a big database page designed for traders, by a trader.
several parts are already complete (most notably commodity searching, comparing prices and price differences), but i need more info about FL for the next function i'm planning, which will be a route planner. the idea is letting the player select 2 destinations and give him the shortest route - just like the calculate best path function in FL, except this one should have the advantage of listing all jumpholes and jumpgates (and not only ones that the player has found). but there's a problem with that. i guess FL uses the shortest_path.ini, shortest_illegal_path.ini and shortest_legal_path.ini files for the best path calculator, but i have no idea how. those files list system names and i have no idea how is that used to find paths.
so if anyone has done some research on this, please share your findings with us here.
once this feature is done, TradeStuff (what a creative name eh?) will be fully functional.
weird sig.
Edited by - GodGell on 7/29/2005 2:34:39 AM

several parts are already complete (most notably commodity searching, comparing prices and price differences), but i need more info about FL for the next function i'm planning, which will be a route planner. the idea is letting the player select 2 destinations and give him the shortest route - just like the calculate best path function in FL, except this one should have the advantage of listing all jumpholes and jumpgates (and not only ones that the player has found). but there's a problem with that. i guess FL uses the shortest_path.ini, shortest_illegal_path.ini and shortest_legal_path.ini files for the best path calculator, but i have no idea how. those files list system names and i have no idea how is that used to find paths.
so if anyone has done some research on this, please share your findings with us here.

weird sig.
Edited by - GodGell on 7/29/2005 2:34:39 AM