How to make a jumphole always appear on the contacts list?
nickname = li01_ny_to_atlantis
ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES("Atlantis"
pos = -30763, 1000, -60916
Archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = ?
goto = at01, jumphole_1, gate_tunnel_bretonia
What value does the "visit = " line need to have to make a jumphole always appear on a players contacts list, independend of range, sensor limiting nebulas or if the jumphole has already been found? Thanks in advance.
nickname = li01_ny_to_atlantis
ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES("Atlantis"

pos = -30763, 1000, -60916
Archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = ?
goto = at01, jumphole_1, gate_tunnel_bretonia
What value does the "visit = " line need to have to make a jumphole always appear on a players contacts list, independend of range, sensor limiting nebulas or if the jumphole has already been found? Thanks in advance.