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Some Patches!
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
Here is something to hopefully tide you all over for now - rest assured the rest is coming. Click here to get the Freelancer money patch. What this patch does:
**Sets credit/money limit to $2,000,000,000
NOTE: This works in single player, but all money transactions are handled server-side in multiplayer, therefore a server must be running this patch or a patch of their own making to establish a higher or lower credit limit.
And for the inquisitive - here we are!
HOW THIS PATCH WORKS: It replaces all occurences of the value 999,999,999 in hex (3B 9A C9 FF in hex) with 2,000,000,000 in hex (77 35 94 00) in Server.dll to allow trade transactions of value up to 2,000,000,000 as well as the ability to acquire and hold up to 2,000,000,000. For those who want to learn assembly - please note that hex values in a file <always> appear in reverse order, this is why numbers most often appear as gibberish to the untrained eye. Therefore, the actual code that is being changed in Server.dll with this patch is all hex values of (FF C9 9A 3B ) with (00 94 35 77) - since the order has to be reversed. Also note, that if you attempt to create your own patch, feel free to do so, however, make note that the variable used to store credits is an unsigned integer which means that it cannot have a value greater than 2,147,483,647 - if you exceed this value it will interpret the numbers beyond this value as negative, creating a negative credit limit which would of course not work. Thus why a new value of 2,000,000,000 is set as the new credit limit in this patch - nice and even.
Edited by - Alcander on 6/29/2005 12:27:22 AM
Edited by - Alcander on 6/29/2005 12:33:01 AM
**Sets credit/money limit to $2,000,000,000
NOTE: This works in single player, but all money transactions are handled server-side in multiplayer, therefore a server must be running this patch or a patch of their own making to establish a higher or lower credit limit.
And for the inquisitive - here we are!
HOW THIS PATCH WORKS: It replaces all occurences of the value 999,999,999 in hex (3B 9A C9 FF in hex) with 2,000,000,000 in hex (77 35 94 00) in Server.dll to allow trade transactions of value up to 2,000,000,000 as well as the ability to acquire and hold up to 2,000,000,000. For those who want to learn assembly - please note that hex values in a file <always> appear in reverse order, this is why numbers most often appear as gibberish to the untrained eye. Therefore, the actual code that is being changed in Server.dll with this patch is all hex values of (FF C9 9A 3B ) with (00 94 35 77) - since the order has to be reversed. Also note, that if you attempt to create your own patch, feel free to do so, however, make note that the variable used to store credits is an unsigned integer which means that it cannot have a value greater than 2,147,483,647 - if you exceed this value it will interpret the numbers beyond this value as negative, creating a negative credit limit which would of course not work. Thus why a new value of 2,000,000,000 is set as the new credit limit in this patch - nice and even.
Edited by - Alcander on 6/29/2005 12:27:22 AM
Edited by - Alcander on 6/29/2005 12:33:01 AM
All instances? I was -- very naively, based on what you've posted here -- was looking into "fixing" the trade lane speed (purely for personal enjoyment) and was dissuaded by the many repetitions of the value in more than one file. I haven't had the time to experiment thoroughly and don't have the expertise to do more than guess.
Yes, all instances they are reversed. This is also why changing things is hard. Values are obviously used more than once for different reasons, like the value 5 might be assigned to one setting and later to another this is why you have to interpret the data in a program like IDA by DataRescue. Also, the trade lane speed is not an integer - it's a float which has a different format than integers in hex entirely.
I can't get the patch to work.
It comes back with nothing patched
Firstly it is looking for an EXE, so I navigate to the exe directory but the patch fails to work.
Uhm, would someone who has got this working just tell me in laymans terms how they patched the server.dll please..and know that it works
It comes back with nothing patched
Firstly it is looking for an EXE, so I navigate to the exe directory but the patch fails to work.
Uhm, would someone who has got this working just tell me in laymans terms how they patched the server.dll please..and know that it works

I am using the no-cd exe,
I am also using the MS FL server patch 1.1
Is it this that is stopping it from working?
I have put the file into the exe folder, click on PAtch, then it comes back saying "file not exist or write protected" (It isnt write protected btw)
Then it says search for file, and then displays the extention of .EXE.
Finally returns the error "nothing patched"
Help someone please
I am also using the MS FL server patch 1.1
Is it this that is stopping it from working?
I have put the file into the exe folder, click on PAtch, then it comes back saying "file not exist or write protected" (It isnt write protected btw)
Then it says search for file, and then displays the extention of .EXE.
Finally returns the error "nothing patched"
Help someone please

My only and final suggestion is to uninstal then reinstall freelancer, then add the no-cd patch. From there, move the Alchander patches back to the exe folder (remember to delete all the freelncer folders that are left after you uninstall or you might have problems, I know if I don't I have problems), and try again. Besides that, ask Alchander.
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