The SDK are a set of freelancer ini files that have been decompressed,the origional ini files are compressed.Back in the early days of freelancer modding they had to use bini to decompress them just to be able to edit them,now we use the SDK instead.
There are 2 ways to make a system,1}use a system editor (FLExplorer or FLSE),2}edit the ini files by hand.
The system editors make it easy to create systems but they still have thier flaws,(sorry guys)you can end up with systems that crash every time you enter them.
Doing it by hand you learn how the files are put together and you can find the cause for the crashes(most of the time

).Most of the big mod makers probably use both,make them in the editors and then fine tune them by hand.
Read the threads Newbie questions 1&2,they're how I got started,they're full of useful information on how to start modding,but be warned thier over 40 pages long each.