I'm to much of a masachist,despite what I wrote earlier I've spent most of today buried in ship files.I'm just to much of a rebalance fan to let it die.
@ M-A-C-E for a player to use a ship it has to be entered in 3 ini files,for an npc ship we're talking at least 6 (faction_props,npcships,shiparch and the 3 loadouts).Discrepancies in npcships,shiparch or the loadouts mean that when the game trys to spawn a ship it gets hit with errors & crashes the ship,1 or 2 of these and the game continues but I think that several together will crash the game.Most of the CTD's I've had playing rebalance usually happen in and around a furball or two.
Here are a couple of entries for a liberty navy ship:-
npc_ship = thunderbolt_d1-2 <--this tells them what ship
nickname = thunderbolt_d1-2 <--this tells them what ship
loadout = rsthunderbolt1_loadout <---loadout nickname
level = d1
ship_archetype = guardian <---shiparch nickname
nickname = rsthunderbolt1_loadout <---loadout nickname
archetype = rs_thunderbolt <---shiparch nickname
category = ship
hull = rsviper_hull <--- goods.ini nickname
As you can see the references are all over the place & its not just the custom ships,the vanilla ships have been got at as well,there's one thats got 8 weapon hardpoints in the shiparch but it's only got six in the cmp.At the moment I'm 1/5 of the way through a rebuild of the shiparch ini,using the cmp's to get the entries right.
**shuffles of with a new headache**