Not quite true Accushot though you are part way there. It is nothing to do with what Hardpoints the model has or not, as the Hardpoint.thn actually sets out where the hardpoints for the THN scene will appear. The hardpoints on the model CMP aren't really that important beyond some visable flashing lights and if the model doesn't have them but the hardpoint.thn script does, then the lights don't show up (trust me, I've seen it in action when building my own THN's

). All other points that deal with the model like where the ships are etc... are dealt with by the THN. It is more likely that it is one of DA's dud files (they are all over the freelancer coding, especially some of the models) that they started playing with and then gave up with. To find out which model it is supposed to be referencing, decompress the THN's, look at what it is referencing in the PetalDB.ini and then look from that reference for it the model exists.... if their is a reference in the PetalDB.ini at all.
Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station
'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'