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Dual Shielding???
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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Is it possible to have two shields mounted on a custom ship? Like have one as the primary and the other as a backup in case the primary fails? I've been working on my own ship for freelancer and was just wondering if it was possible.
Nope, haven't a clue. I really don't think it's possible- FL's designers didn't ever refer to Shields with multiple areas, and Shields were/are an important part of the SUR specifications... SURs have a whole mesh dedicated to Shields, which (ironically) DA decided to make look much less apparant with their final changes to the ship geometry, when they made the fighters have seperate shield_bubble SURs and then built still more SURs that have shield collision meshes... as well as hull ones. Most amusing, really...
Building ships with multiple parts is, of course, perfectly possible... I've never bothered, and I don't know of anybody who has, but there's nothing stopping us from having ships that fall apart during combat just like DA's ships do. Maybe I'll make that might next project, after I get done with WOS B2...
Building ships with multiple parts is, of course, perfectly possible... I've never bothered, and I don't know of anybody who has, but there's nothing stopping us from having ships that fall apart during combat just like DA's ships do. Maybe I'll make that might next project, after I get done with WOS B2...
There is a workaround in making the explosion_arch use broken-down ship components I think,I saw something about it in a tutorial on making the enterprise somewhere-seems much easier than going to the trouble of using the VMeshRef converter,saving 5 or 6 .3db files(which will have to be hand edited to even make them .3db's :O ),then entering their [Simple (lol DA!ROFLMAO!) into the ships archetype and any system you want to assign the ship to NPC's in."[Simple" my butt
on a side note,Isn't it possible that the [Simple entry could exploited to make a ship that breaks down to an escape pod holding only the engine,power,tractor and scanner?

on a side note,Isn't it possible that the [Simple entry could exploited to make a ship that breaks down to an escape pod holding only the engine,power,tractor and scanner?
ud have to make it load the escape pod stats in game+
Although, maybe i could be possible for large cap-ships to have seperate shields for seperate sections. Like a bow shield, stern shield, midline shield, top shiueld, bottom shield....
You wanna keep you brain inside you head I'd tell those boys to CHILL
from Halo 2
Edited by - versoth on 4/21/2005 11:30:31 AM
Although, maybe i could be possible for large cap-ships to have seperate shields for seperate sections. Like a bow shield, stern shield, midline shield, top shiueld, bottom shield....
You wanna keep you brain inside you head I'd tell those boys to CHILL
from Halo 2
Edited by - versoth on 4/21/2005 11:30:31 AM
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