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Nomad Invasion
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I have heard lots of talk about random Nomad Invasions on systems. Where about 20 BSs, Gunboats and Fighters attack a system every couple of weeks. I have searched the mods and the forum and have as yet been unnsucessful in finding any information on this. Could anyone please point me in the right direction. My players keep asking me to add this and I think it would be a nice touch.
You can look up how to add Nomad encounters here, it will teach you how 

I have nomad encounters running fine, it is the repop time I need to change.
If I change the repop_time = ? to a time relating to hours/days instead of seconds i presume that will have the effect I am looking for. I was just hoping that someone may have already done this and could confirm it before I attempt it.
Also does anyone have a clue as to what the relief_time does that is different to repop_time.
finally I presume i would have to create a new zone on top of the exisiting zone so that normal trafic will continue to appear but every week there would be a massive nomad invasion.
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
If I change the repop_time = ? to a time relating to hours/days instead of seconds i presume that will have the effect I am looking for. I was just hoping that someone may have already done this and could confirm it before I attempt it.
Also does anyone have a clue as to what the relief_time does that is different to repop_time.
finally I presume i would have to create a new zone on top of the exisiting zone so that normal trafic will continue to appear but every week there would be a massive nomad invasion.
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure that would work, because obviously the encounters aren't going to spawn if theres no players in the unless you had someone sitting in the zone all week, then I don't think the encounters would happen, as it would start timing from the time someone entered the zone...
But, who knows, I've never tried it.
But, who knows, I've never tried it.
yeh, just tried it, everytime someone enters the zone they are there. I know some people have done what I want to achieve just not sure how.
How could you control the spawning of Nomads so that it only happens once a week no matter who is in the zone. I guess some kind of timed trigger is needed.
Any ideas?
How could you control the spawning of Nomads so that it only happens once a week no matter who is in the zone. I guess some kind of timed trigger is needed.
Any ideas?
Encounters are a random function called when a player-controlled ship enters a Zone.
To make an Encounter that happened "every week" ... is impossible, or close enough. To make one that happened "every once in awhile" is quite possible, though. You could, for example, make a given Zone have an Encounter happen once in a thousand chances- and on that thousanth chance, make a whole lot of Nomads appear. If you did that in an area with a lot of traffic (say, NY, NY)... then it'd probably happen every week... or so.
To make an Encounter that happened "every week" ... is impossible, or close enough. To make one that happened "every once in awhile" is quite possible, though. You could, for example, make a given Zone have an Encounter happen once in a thousand chances- and on that thousanth chance, make a whole lot of Nomads appear. If you did that in an area with a lot of traffic (say, NY, NY)... then it'd probably happen every week... or so.
I don't think what you want is done in-game. You mean something like Sherrec's Nomad Revenge mod? How to make this work :
1) Code 2 versions of each system you wish the nomads to attack.
2) Run a program to randomly overwrite the systems .ini file on server restart. This may have to be done manually - I've not looked into automating it with IFSO. Run the program before each SP game session for similar effect.
Ta-da! random system invasion. This method does have a drawback however - the client and server files won't match so may cause lag and instability on servers. In SP this is of course never an issue.
1) Code 2 versions of each system you wish the nomads to attack.
2) Run a program to randomly overwrite the systems .ini file on server restart. This may have to be done manually - I've not looked into automating it with IFSO. Run the program before each SP game session for similar effect.
Ta-da! random system invasion. This method does have a drawback however - the client and server files won't match so may cause lag and instability on servers. In SP this is of course never an issue.
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