base templates
once in an act of madness i have taken screenshots of all base templates, all rooms -sorted per system. (didn`t fly there but changed the freelancer intro script)
i want to share it finally, but am unsure cause it`s a 55mb zip archive. (i used jpg compression, but actually there are a lot of rooms -so it did sum up to a size bigger than i thought)
is it ok? (i don`t have much webspace to host it myself)
last time i used ftp access to upload to TLR so that would work fine ..
o well, just let me know
once in an act of madness i have taken screenshots of all base templates, all rooms -sorted per system. (didn`t fly there but changed the freelancer intro script)
i want to share it finally, but am unsure cause it`s a 55mb zip archive. (i used jpg compression, but actually there are a lot of rooms -so it did sum up to a size bigger than i thought)
is it ok? (i don`t have much webspace to host it myself)
last time i used ftp access to upload to TLR so that would work fine ..
o well, just let me know