well... looky here...
Just for fun, having had to reinstall FL for the xth time, i ran a clean (FLpatch 1.4 and no blank lines) server. This is what FLSpit said :
WARNING:General:set_gamma_function() called outside of create_buffers/destroy_buffers
WARNING: Failed to load saved game C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer\DataStorm.fl
WARNING: Failed to get start location
ERROR: 0x9be823cb is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to <- error introduced by FLPatch 1.4 (ithaca base)
WARNING: Unknown camera type? (ChaseCamera)
WARNING: Voice message 2351700488 is invalid for voice 3073825485
WARNING: SPObjActivate failed... probably jump-gate in old system closing?
WARNING: Failed to load saved game C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer\DataStorm.fl
WARNING: Failed to get start location
WARNING:General: DA SYSTEM: trailing references
WARNING:General: DA SYSTEM: trailing references
So... empty lines aren't the only issue with trailing references. I did the ones in exe folder too & took away the leading spaces. The voice message problem isn't the fault of a mod. No idea about SPObjActivate failed
*Edit - I see. There are still blank lines at end of every ini file so scratch what i said about trailing references... However i found these :
formations.ini -> [Formation juni_m04 -> pos = 0,0,0,
m11.ini -> [Trigger delay_juni_enter -> Act_PlayMusic = none, none, none,
[ObjList ol_tw_go_z21 -> MakeNewFormation = Cruiser2_li_n, walker2, tw_cover1, tw_cover2, tw_cover3,
shiparch.ini -> hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01,
solar/loadouts.ini -> equip = mining_ship_engine_sound, (x5)
in each case delete the last , to cut a potential error
Edited by - Anton on 3/14/2005 1:24:04 PM
WARNING:General:set_gamma_function() called outside of create_buffers/destroy_buffers
WARNING: Failed to load saved game C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer\DataStorm.fl
WARNING: Failed to get start location
ERROR: 0x9be823cb is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to <- error introduced by FLPatch 1.4 (ithaca base)
WARNING: Unknown camera type? (ChaseCamera)
WARNING: Voice message 2351700488 is invalid for voice 3073825485
WARNING: SPObjActivate failed... probably jump-gate in old system closing?
WARNING: Failed to load saved game C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer\DataStorm.fl
WARNING: Failed to get start location
WARNING:General: DA SYSTEM: trailing references
WARNING:General: DA SYSTEM: trailing references
So... empty lines aren't the only issue with trailing references. I did the ones in exe folder too & took away the leading spaces. The voice message problem isn't the fault of a mod. No idea about SPObjActivate failed

*Edit - I see. There are still blank lines at end of every ini file so scratch what i said about trailing references... However i found these :
formations.ini -> [Formation juni_m04 -> pos = 0,0,0,

m11.ini -> [Trigger delay_juni_enter -> Act_PlayMusic = none, none, none,
[ObjList ol_tw_go_z21 -> MakeNewFormation = Cruiser2_li_n, walker2, tw_cover1, tw_cover2, tw_cover3,
shiparch.ini -> hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01,
solar/loadouts.ini -> equip = mining_ship_engine_sound, (x5)
in each case delete the last , to cut a potential error
Edited by - Anton on 3/14/2005 1:24:04 PM