The case of the Silent Gun
Basically, I've gotten my very first custom weapon working (yeehaw! it can be done by mere mortals).
There's just this one little catch: the weapon has two barrels, and thus two HpFire points.
They both work just fine- shots spawn from them, and kill things. The gun rotates/animates properly... but it doesn't make a noise.
Now, this gun makes plenty of noise when it's firing with the li_smlturret.cmp file, which has only one HpFire. I've taken a long look through the FL weapons files, and I've noticed something: there are a large number of weapon CMPs that didn't get used in the game. And most of them have multiple hpFire points. I've tried swapping them in... and had the same exact problem.... no sounds come out. Sooooo.... is there a way to get weapons with multiple barrels to make noise? Please, tell me I'm missing something obvious here... I've looked through the game's turrets, and I don't see anything different between my working turret and the ones used by the Capships and other things that use multiple barrels... if I can't have multiple barrels, then... ah... I guess I got back to square one and rebuild the !*@*!* model, export the VMESHDATA and everything else... all over again

As it's taken me nearly 2 hours to do the huge number of steps that are actually required to get custom weapons working... please, somebody tell me that I can do something simple to fix it, besides just removing one of the hpFire points, which will both look dumb and require a rebuild of the model. The model's very simple... but this is going to be a royal pain if I can't get it working right, and I'm going a bit crazy

EDIT: I now know for *certain* that it's that second hpFire. Removing it caused everything to work. So it appears that this might be an engine problem- it simply doesn't know how to play multiple sounds from the same weapon, when it's a player-controlled gun. Which would explain... why every turret in FL uses the same wimpy-looking models.
Oh well, I now know the full method for making a custom weapon (turrets and weapons are exactly the same, btw, so far as the engine cares), and while it's kind've lengthy and annoying, it's not very hard- just irritating and very exacting, like my custom cockpit. Soooo... I'll just rebuild the gun with one barrel tomorrow, after getting some much-needed sleep, now that I've written down the steps. I'll share these with everybody (I think I can write a tutorial that's a little easier to follow than Redeye's) once I have a nice custom gun working, not just a testbed turret

Edited by - Argh on 11/25/2004 9:50:51 PM