Has it really been that long since we last saw you? Blimey! - time flies!
Anyway, in no particular order, the usual suspects:
TNG 2.5something - they keep changing it, but latest version from Reynen

(probs know this one already)
Rebalance 3.5 beta 3? Michael Dans latest version - nuff said (you probs already familiar with his mods basically

WTS world 4.2a or something, its a top notch mod!
Freeworlds - starwars mod - outstanding! (Total conversion)
Epsilon 2.71 - Parabolix and Harriers excellent mod
Privateer the reckoning - Great great mod, guess what? Full of privateer stuff
Evolutions - my own ickle mod
Some newer ones
[http://www.lancersreactor.com/t/download/download.asp?id=1324Crossover mod
TIE universe - star wars encore (its good)
Asgard MOd - not sure, but its got a loyal fanbase
AC2 Sliders mod - not too sure.
okay, to be really honest, I have only actually played a few of those, namely - Freeworlds and my own

. I have tried a few, Epsilon and WTS, but only in a system or two, no real exploration etc. I don't have much time to play, but these ones are popular/have loyal fans/have servers.
Plenty there for you to enjoy