Questions: blackhole and other things, please help!
I'm working on the next version of my mod (The Monkeys 1.2) and I have some problems:
I made some new systems and I always wondered what "interference" means. In some Nebulas or also other zones in the original systems is a line like this:
interference = 0.500000
I already searched the forums for this, but couldn't find an exact answer. So, what does this mean?
I want to use Nephilims Blackhole (awesome work!), but he was not able to get rid of all bugs and I'm also not able to correct them. So I need your help.
The first and most important thing are the rings (or the disc, however you call it) around the core of the blackhole. Everytime their center gets out of view they totally dissappear. FLAddRadius you'll say, but this did not help and I also tried FLModelTool and some other things. I couldn't solve this problem. So please, if someone could look into this and try to help me. There must be a mistake in one of the files (look at the end of the thread), which makes the rings dissappear.
The second thing is a thin, white light spear, going through the core of the blackhole (You may download the blackhole from Nephilim to see this). This thing can only be seen from some positions. If you fly around the core it sometimes is also invisible.
The last thing is the core itself. You can fly right through it. I think that I only need a sur file for this, but I'm not sure where the sur files for planets are. I simply want the core to have a surface, so that you will crash into it, if you fly there.
I know that you might get nothing for your work (Of course you will get credit in my mod) and that this may be lots of work, but please, if you know something help me or at least tell me your ideas how to fix this.
Many thanks to everyone helping me!!!
Here are the files:
nickname = fx_BlackHoleJets
particles = BlackHoleJets
nickname = fx_BlackHoleFlashes
particles = BlackHoleFlashes
priority = 1.000000
generic_priority = 1.000000
lod_type = EFT_LOD_NONE
radius = 1000000
visibility = EXIST_OFFSCREEN
run_time = -1
pbubble = 1000000, 1000000
I'm not sure about this, because there already is an EffectType called "EFT_EQUIP_ATTACHED_INSANELY_LARGE". But I renamed this one (also in effects.ini) and it was the same as before!
nickname = BlackHoleJets
vis_effect = BlackHoleJets
nickname = BlackHoleFlashes
vis_effect = BlackHoleFlashes
nickname = BlackHoleJets
alchemy = fx\misc\dyson_city.ale
effect_crc = -165405338
nickname = BlackHoleFlashes
alchemy = fx\misc\rtc_planetlightning.ale
effect_crc = 43751285
textures = fx\storm.txm
nickname = BlackHoleJets
equip = fx_BlackHoleJets, HpRunningLight01
equip = fx_BlackHoleJets, HpRunningLight01
equip = fx_BlackHoleJets, HpRunningLight02
equip = fx_BlackHoleJets, HpRunningLight02
equip = fx_BlackHoleFlashes, HpRunningLight01
equip = fx_BlackHoleFlashes, HpRunningLight01
equip = fx_BlackHoleFlashes, HpRunningLight02
equip = fx_BlackHoleFlashes, HpRunningLight02
nickname = BlackHoleCore
type = SUN
shape_name = NNM_SM_SUN
DA_archetype = solar\blackhole\blackholecore.cmp
material_library = solar\blackhole\blackholecore.mat
mass = 1000000
LODranges = 0, 1000000
solar_radius = 1000
phantom_physics = true
nickname = BlackHoleDisc
DA_archetype = solar\blackhole\blackholedisc.cmp
material_library = solar\blackhole\blackholedisc.mat
loadout = BlackHoleJets
LODranges = 0, 1000000
phantom_physics = true
file = solar\blackhole\blackholeshapes.ini
num = 600
fade_range = 2400, 1000, 500, 200
shape = lava_chunk
size = 40, 80
color = 255, 255, 255
thickness = 50
num = 100
fade_range = 800, 400
shape = lava_chunk2
size = 2, 8
color = 40, 40, 40
thickness = 250
opacity = 0.500000
color = 80, 30, 30
puff_size = 15
puff_count = 50
puff_drift = 500
puff_colora = 90, 90, 90
puff_radius = 200
puff_density = 0.600000
puff_opacity = 1.000000
puff_weights = 1, 1, 1, 2
puff_max_alpha = 0.750000
puff_particles = 3
puff_cloud_size = 1
puff_shape = rock_wisp1
puff_shape = rock_wisp2
puff_shape = rock_wisp3
puff_shape = rock_wisp4
max_distance = 500
near_fade_distance = 50, 100
file = solar\rings\rings.txm
texture_name = rock_wisps
shape_name = rock_wisp1
dim = 0, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000
shape_name = rock_wisp2
dim = 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000
shape_name = rock_wisp3
dim = 0, 0, 0.500000, 0.500000
shape_name = rock_wisp4
dim = 0.500000, 0, 0.500000, 0.500000
In the blackhole folder are also the cmps and mats for the blackholecore and the blackholedisc.
nickname = BlackHoleCore
archetype = BlackHoleCore
ids_name = 458755
ids_info = 458756
pos = 0, 0, 0
ring = BlackHoleClouds, solar\blackhole\blackholeclouds.ini
nickname = BlackHoleDisc
archetype = BlackHoleDisc
pos = 0, 0, 0
spin = 0, -1, 0
nickname = BlackHoleClouds
pos = 0, 0, 0
size = 10000, 0, 2500
That's it. The credits for this go to Nephilim. If you use it give him credit.
It would be great if someone could help me with this!
Is it possible to have mission consigners (the guys, showing up if you start from the base and saying things like "see the Navmap for further instructions"

So is this possible, and if it is, how to do this?
Many thanks to all of you for helping me!
Black Eagle