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Improved loot drops for astroidfield (SP, not MP)
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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I modified the astroidfields to double the chance of a drop. I want this to be SP compatible only and want to know if there's a way to make sure it doesn't work online.
There's a reason you don't see too many topics on changing loot from asteroids. Lots of cheaters who'll exploit it to no end. I've tried myself to make a server side mod that adjusts asteroid loot for everyone logging on, but it doesn't work that way. Your best bet is to download a mining mod I know is around here, and try to figure out the changes on your own. If your intent is to make it compatible with multiplayer, you might as well give up now. As far as I can tell, there's no way to sync the files for mining with those on a client computer.
There is no knowledge that is not power.
There is no knowledge that is not power.
there are alternative ways to make mining work in a nice way.
involves some more modding, but it works.
basically, its about npcships that look like asteroids.
make a new faction that doesnt care about reps, edit an asteroid cmp and add the hardpoints to make it flyable as a ship, make a new engine for it that doesnt move. make it completely immobile, only allow a lil bit turning.
in its loadout it will have some "raw materials" that are dropped by a fuse if you kill it...
the cool thing is that they appear radomly as encounters do.
you can give them a special shield as well - and only give a special "mining gun" the ability to cut through it effectively.
involves a bit modding, but its cool
Infinity TC Mod Leading Developer
byebye Excelcia
involves some more modding, but it works.
basically, its about npcships that look like asteroids.
make a new faction that doesnt care about reps, edit an asteroid cmp and add the hardpoints to make it flyable as a ship, make a new engine for it that doesnt move. make it completely immobile, only allow a lil bit turning.
in its loadout it will have some "raw materials" that are dropped by a fuse if you kill it...
the cool thing is that they appear radomly as encounters do.
you can give them a special shield as well - and only give a special "mining gun" the ability to cut through it effectively.
involves a bit modding, but its cool

Infinity TC Mod Leading Developer
byebye Excelcia
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