that's hilarious.
my modding mishaps:
Doom (yes the old one

building "ghost players" by mistake, accidentally nuking them all with a trap i designed for a DM-map -> all players instant death.
the trap teleported an exploding barrel !! -> the exit of it was nuked. the exit was in the middle of 4 other barrels that were pushed into teleporters by the blast.
the end were 16 rocketexplosions spread inside a small room.
i set up a 2nd playerstart there (actualy the 1st one) -> resulted in a "ghost" player: acted and looked like the real one, but was stationary and could be damaged. that was the part i didnt knew when i triggered the trap. instant suicide. took me a while to figure out why i got killed,lol.
Quake2 - airquake2 mod - mapbuilding:
attempt to make activateable forcefields. unfortunatly they instantkilled everything that was in their way on activating.. hmmmm
- attempt to mod a repairship. try it, its good for a laugh or two
- lane-rollercoaster with looping, screwdrivers, ...
- a giant-penguin-looking ship for Excelcia's forum admin, Klngarthur.
- in general the "exploration" phase of FL and the playground mod i built to try out all kinds of stupid stuff.
Excelcia Mod Leading Developer