Bribes and their rep effects
Hi all,
I wanted to find out how the mechanics of a bribe affects your rep and did some searches here and couldnt find what I wanted so I did some research and now know
, so if this has been posted before sorry, if not read on;
Reps run in a range from -1 to 1
-1 is totally hostile and 1 is totally friendly with 0 being totally neutral
You can see what your rep is by looking in the game and you can see 20 bars each full bar equals .10 (+/-) The middle line is 0 neutral
A rephack for a faction adds +0.60 to your current rep with that faction
FL then goes off to empathy.ini and looks up the section for the faction u just bought the rep for:
here you will see its list of how the faction relates to each rep.
FL now multiplies each line by .6 (your improvement) and adjust each faction by the answer .
so if I buy an Outcasts hack when I am completely neutral with them, I move up to +0.6 with the Outcasts and assuming I also was completely neutral with the liberty navy I move to -0.24 with them. (see below)
the -0.24 is calculated by multiplying the li_n_grp line for the Outcasts entry in empathy .ini by 0.6
the entry in empathy is
group = fc_ou_grp
event = object_destruction, -0.006000
event = random_mission_success, 0.140000
event = random_mission_failure, -0.045000
event = random_mission_abortion, -0.067500
empathy_rate = li_n_grp, -0.400000<-----------------------here
-.4 so (-.4*.6) =-.24
This is repeated for all factions entered
I wanted to find out how the mechanics of a bribe affects your rep and did some searches here and couldnt find what I wanted so I did some research and now know

Reps run in a range from -1 to 1
-1 is totally hostile and 1 is totally friendly with 0 being totally neutral
You can see what your rep is by looking in the game and you can see 20 bars each full bar equals .10 (+/-) The middle line is 0 neutral
A rephack for a faction adds +0.60 to your current rep with that faction
FL then goes off to empathy.ini and looks up the section for the faction u just bought the rep for:
here you will see its list of how the faction relates to each rep.
FL now multiplies each line by .6 (your improvement) and adjust each faction by the answer .
so if I buy an Outcasts hack when I am completely neutral with them, I move up to +0.6 with the Outcasts and assuming I also was completely neutral with the liberty navy I move to -0.24 with them. (see below)
the -0.24 is calculated by multiplying the li_n_grp line for the Outcasts entry in empathy .ini by 0.6
the entry in empathy is
group = fc_ou_grp
event = object_destruction, -0.006000
event = random_mission_success, 0.140000
event = random_mission_failure, -0.045000
event = random_mission_abortion, -0.067500
empathy_rate = li_n_grp, -0.400000<-----------------------here
-.4 so (-.4*.6) =-.24
This is repeated for all factions entered