Althou Chips is right, I think one just can't have enough details

Plus, on todays systems the performance hit when everything is displayed at max details is almost not noticeable. My framerate never drops below 60FPS (at 1280x960, 6x AA, 16x AF), not even in mass PvP fights.
Just set this (example)
LODranges = 0, 800, 1500, 2500, 3500, 5000
to this
LODranges = 0, 500000
and you should see everything in a 500k radius at maximum details, even those little fighters at the opposite side of the sector (but you still can't see them until you're running a resolution of something like 3000 x 2250 or higher

). This only affects the visual range at which an object can be seen, not the range the sensors use to draw a bracket around an object. For example I can see people fighting each other even when I am about 7k away from them and they're not on my sensors. The ships are so small one barely can see them, but they're there. I came up with this brute force method because I was too lazy to figure out the distance for unnoticable LOD changes :p.
Something similar to the above can be done with asteroid fields, too, but you need a very high end machine (talking about Doom3 system requirements for high detail gameplay) to display everything without problems. In addition, if values for asteroids are set too high, the game not only becomes a slideshow (like 1 frame every 10 hours), you also see some ugly "welding" effects which look like the different sectors of any given asteroid field were glued together.
As for editing this LODranges stuff, Microsoft Excel comes in quite handy. All the files containing LODranges can be done in less than 10 minutes. Just paste everything from the INI into Excel, select a user specified filter, filter for "lodranges*" (don't forget the asterisk behind "lodranges"

and Excel should display all lines containing this LODRanges stuff. Now prepare the first line like the example (LODRanges = 500000) given above and pull it down to the last line displayed, overwriting everything that is there. Discard all the filters, mark everything and copy it back into the INI, overwriting everything that is there. Save & exit & repeat with the rest of the files.
The only thing that this LODRanges method does not affect is the visibility of tradelanes, which remain at their 10k distance of being drawn. If someone knows how this can be altered so tradelane rings can be seen from a longer than 10k distance, please post. No, LODRanges for Tradelane Rings does not have an effect on their viewing distance.
There are some detail issues with textures too, which can't be fixed even with 16x anisotropic filtering of the graphics card. Something like LODranges, but for textures. This is noticeable when closing in on large objects like battleships. Just look at the lights emitted from the crew quarters when closing in on a battleship and you should see what I mean.
Edited by - Preacher0815 on 8/19/2004 2:36:48 PM