New Sticky ?
Hey, i was hopeing sum1 cud create a new sticky. I like the please read 1 .. i found it really helpful telling me what each ini main purpose was. But i was wonderin if tht cud b extended. I keep coming acroos all these numbers on the end of things. And .. i know iv seen it mentioned already on the forums .. But it takes me ages 2 find it agen. So cud sum1 plz take some time and create a sticky with all the means of these numbers. For example
In market_misc.ini 1 line :
MarketGood = fc_c_gun01_mark01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
I added a new wep in there 2 day .. so i know wat the numbers mean .. but its took me 20minz to find that topic agen with all the number meanings. So please if some1 has time .. Cud u create wat im asking ?

In market_misc.ini 1 line :
MarketGood = fc_c_gun01_mark01, 10, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
I added a new wep in there 2 day .. so i know wat the numbers mean .. but its took me 20minz to find that topic agen with all the number meanings. So please if some1 has time .. Cud u create wat im asking ?