A new Mod
:New ships for purchase, all faction gunboats/cruisers/battleships
:passive ships like trains, ect for sale if you dont want to fight but trade
:Capital ship encounters, but rare cases and they acctually have places to go not dissapear
:perhaps new bases or systems
:weapons arnt overpowered ie a cruiser main gun doing 100000 damage, and the prices being realistic not too low/high
:gun turrets are npc turrets for instance the train turrets that do 80 damage and have a 2.00 refire rate isntead of custom ones, and only some modification to battleship ones
:fighters fly in formation with capital ships and make for good attack squadrans
:some advanced missions have heavy ship reinforcements to complete it, ie a reinland gunship and a squadron of fighters will help you on a very tough reinland mission
this would make freelancer realistic not overpowered with some of the mods that are out, just makes freelancer the way it is ment to be
if anyone wants to help me with this mod or if a similar mod is already out, please post here, im sure we could do some great work if ppl helped with it, we would need a few skilled ppl to do this though, if you would like to help i welcome u to help, also post any comments about it/advice
i like we could make something pretty good

If you mess with the best then you die like the rest...
Edited by - Ðestroyer on 7/16/2004 2:02:09 PM
Edited by - Ðestroyer on 7/16/2004 2:22:40 PM