help me
hey im pretty new to modding and im redoing the NY system, for fun, and to learn how to mod. but ive ran into a problem that i cant fix, ive put manhattan and stuff but when i play i start out normally on manhattan, then i goto nav map and it says that im docked with the sun, then i undock and BOOM.. game crashes
i havnt done much but this is what i have done so far:
name = li01
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = li_p_grp
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini
spacedust = Dust
space = music_li_space
danger = music_li_danger
battle = music_li_battle
color = 30, 50, 80
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_basic.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_li01_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_li01.cmp
nickname = Sun_Li01
ids_name = 261008
pos = 0, 0, 0
ambient_color = 255, 255, 255
Archetype = sun_2000
ids_info = 66162
star = med_white_sun
atmosphere_range = 11000
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
nickname = System_LIGHT
pos = 642, 0, 198
color = 255, 255, 255
range = 120000
nickname = Zone_li01_sun_death
POs = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 8000
damage = 1000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
nickname = Li01_01
ids_name = 196766
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
rotate = 0, -10, -10
ambient_color = 255, 0, 0
Archetype = planet_earthgrncld_4000
ids_info = 65759
spin = 0, 0.001000, 0
atmosphere_range = 4200
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
base = Li01_01_Base
reputation = li_p_grp
visit = 1
nickname = Zone_Li01_Manhattan_death
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
shape = SPHERE
size = 4100
damage = 2000000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
population_additive = false
nickname = Zone_Li01_001_Planet_Li01_01_atmosphere_burn
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
shape = SPHERE
size = 4600
edge_fraction = 0.070000
spacedust = atmosphere_gray
spacedust_maxparticles = 250
sort = 99
is there anything wrong in it and how do i fix it?
and also im wondering is there a way to make it so you start out on just say a zoner base, thats the only base you see then you can buy a rep when you buy a rep for just say the Liberty Navy, then once you have bought it you can see a liberty base like manhattan or something?
and would it be possible to make it so if you do a mission for liberty navy against rogues, then you finish it then instead of usally having your rep go better with the navy and other orgs like police, BH etc. your rep only goes better for the navy and noone else?

i havnt done much but this is what i have done so far:
name = li01
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = li_p_grp
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini
spacedust = Dust
space = music_li_space
danger = music_li_danger
battle = music_li_battle
color = 30, 50, 80
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_basic.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_li01_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_li01.cmp
nickname = Sun_Li01
ids_name = 261008
pos = 0, 0, 0
ambient_color = 255, 255, 255
Archetype = sun_2000
ids_info = 66162
star = med_white_sun
atmosphere_range = 11000
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
nickname = System_LIGHT
pos = 642, 0, 198
color = 255, 255, 255
range = 120000
nickname = Zone_li01_sun_death
POs = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 8000
damage = 1000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
nickname = Li01_01
ids_name = 196766
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
rotate = 0, -10, -10
ambient_color = 255, 0, 0
Archetype = planet_earthgrncld_4000
ids_info = 65759
spin = 0, 0.001000, 0
atmosphere_range = 4200
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
base = Li01_01_Base
reputation = li_p_grp
visit = 1
nickname = Zone_Li01_Manhattan_death
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
shape = SPHERE
size = 4100
damage = 2000000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
population_additive = false
nickname = Zone_Li01_001_Planet_Li01_01_atmosphere_burn
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
shape = SPHERE
size = 4600
edge_fraction = 0.070000
spacedust = atmosphere_gray
spacedust_maxparticles = 250
sort = 99
is there anything wrong in it and how do i fix it?
and also im wondering is there a way to make it so you start out on just say a zoner base, thats the only base you see then you can buy a rep when you buy a rep for just say the Liberty Navy, then once you have bought it you can see a liberty base like manhattan or something?
and would it be possible to make it so if you do a mission for liberty navy against rogues, then you finish it then instead of usally having your rep go better with the navy and other orgs like police, BH etc. your rep only goes better for the navy and noone else?