ok everyone i have been working really hard on a mod that is not all that new of an idea but still its a mod right

anyways i was wondering i have been plainning to rip ships from other mods such as...Freeworlds, FlRebalance, WTS world, Evolutions and such...BUT i want to know if A.) i can have permission to do so and if so who to give FULL credits to or just add your credits section in. and B.) with all the information given in the forums would it be better to credit the TLR community for the inspiration and ideas? i already know who to credit for things like the capship encounters, sellable power plants..etc..etc...
so if anyone can tell me whats up here i will be most appreciative...the entire mod is in stasis till i get the permission to use mainly the Star Wars ships since this is a Sirius meets that good ole galaxy far far away...
so if anyone can help me get in contact withthe ship builders that would be excellent

but if not i understand and all cause it was your work in teh first place

it was just soo awesome i figured i would use it at your permission,
oh yeah, who was the ship builder for the privateer mod? the mod's credits thing and readme( sadly like all the mods i have DLed) were missing so thats why i am asking these questions.
thanks for your time guys
"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"