Actually that was the basic idea I started my mod with (except I used gates, not holes).
But over time, i decided to add more and more stuff, and now I have a huge mod that's about 20% completed and full of beginner's errors (I only recently found out that a base infocard has at least 2 separate infocards, which I had not at all anticipated.)
So, it will be probabaly be finished some years after a new game has it the market, and everyone is playing that instead of FreeLancer

Maybe my mod will inspire a Freelancer retro-revival in the year 2008 or so (just like you can now play ZX Spectrum ganes from the early 1980s with a Spectrum emulator).
Maybe I'd better recreate a "Lite Version" of that mod and put it up for download, but even that will take some time for me.
As cookiemonster says, you can very easily learn to make a mod like that yourself.