My faction has an anoying problem...
Well, I've done a faction (with a lot of others too

Until there, everything works perfectly.
But, I decided to make that faction trading.
Here is the problem : I've moded these files : faction_prop.ini, npcships.ini, commodities_per_faction.ini and finaly added a testing population zone in my system :
nickname = Zone_FD07_pop_ambient_01
pos = 57987, 0, 32346
rotate = 0, 0, 0
size = 5522
shape = SPHERE
sort = 7
toughness = 11
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = fc_fed_grp, single_base_law
relief_time = 20
faction_weight = fc_fed_grp, 20
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 1, 1.000000
faction = fc_fed_grp, 1.000000
I launch the game, start a new one, try to get out of the base and it crashes.
I tried to replace my faction by an existing one and it works. So the problem comes from my faction, I'm sure of it.
Now, what am I missing ? Is there a file that says wich factions trade ?
Here is the npcships.ini part :
nickname = fc_fed_ku_freighter_d1-6
level = d3
loadout = fc_fed_ku_fr_loadout01
ship_archetype = ku_freighter
state_graph = FIGHTER
pilot = freighter_med
npc_class = lawful, class_freighter, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6
The faction_prop.ini one :
affiliation = fc_fed_grp
legality = lawful
nickname_plurality = singular
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_faction_fc_fed
jump_preference = jumpgate
npc_ship = fc_fed_ku_fighter_d1-3
npc_ship = fc_fed_ku_fighter_d4-10
npc_ship = fc_fed_ku_fighter_d11-15
npc_ship = fc_fed_ku_fighter_d16-19
npc_ship = fc_fed_ku_freighter_d1-6
npc_ship = fc_fed_ku_freighter_d7-15
npc_ship = fc_fed_ku_freighter_d15-19
npc_ship = fc_fed_ge_transport_d1-19
voice = pilot_f_mil_m01
voice = pilot_f_mil_m02
voice = pilot_f_leg_f01
voice = pilot_f_leg_f01a
mc_costume = mc_ku
space_costume = ku_bartender_head_hat, ku_male_elite_body, comm_ku_kym
space_costume = ku_captain_head, ku_male_elite_body, comm_pl_player
space_costume = ku_bartender_head_hat, ku_male_elite_body, comm_ku_kym
space_costume = ku_captain_head, ku_male_elite_body, comm_pl_player
space_costume = ku_bartender_head_hat, ku_male_elite_body, comm_ku_kym
space_costume = ku_captain_head, ku_male_elite_body, comm_pl_player
space_costume = ku_newscaster_head_gen, ku_female_elite_body, comm_ku_kym_female
space_costume = ku_newscaster_head_gen, ku_female_elite_body, comm_pl_player_female
space_costume = ku_newscaster_head_gen, ku_female_elite_body, comm_ku_kym_female
space_costume = ku_newscaster_head_gen, ku_female_elite_body, comm_pl_player_female
space_costume = ku_newscaster_head_gen, ku_female_elite_body, comm_ku_kym_female
space_costume = ku_newscaster_head_gen, ku_female_elite_body, comm_pl_player_female
firstname_male = 226608, 226741
firstname_female = 226808, 226952
lastname = 227008, 227307
rank_desig = 197002, 197003, 197004, 6, 9
formation_desig = 197808, 197820
large_ship_desig = 197000
large_ship_names = 202848, 202907
formation = fighters, fighter_guild
formation = freighters, freighter_basic
formation = freighters2, freighter2_basic
formation = transports, transport_basic -- i tried to make transport too with the same result...
formation = transports2, transport2_basic
The problem certainly doesn't come from the loadouts cause i've also tried to use existing one, and that changes nothing.
In the end, forgive my so bad english

Edited by - Archangel on 5/19/2004 9:52:31 AM