different engine classes? and content.dll?
I'm working on the next version of my mod (The Monkeys).
My first question: Is it possible to make engines and/or powerplants ship-specific like the shields (Heavy Fighter Engine, Light Fighter Engine, etc.)? I thought of making different shipclasses (Light Fighter: fast, light armor, light weapons; Heavy Fighter: average speed, average armor, medium weapons; etc.), but also want engines to be buyable. So I need different engine classes and different powerplant classes.
If this is not possible, is it possible to make new internal and class specific hardpoints for every ship, where I can mount the different engines and powerplants?
Are there any unused internal hardpoints on the Freelancer ships. I think in the Rebalancemod the ships have new hardpoints for the shield capacitators and powercells. In the INIs they're called hp_fighter_shield_generator.
Are there any other unused hardpoints, or were these hardpoints added by Michael Dan?
If all this is impossible, is there any possibility to make different shipclasses and(!) make engines, or at least engine upgrades buyable? I hope so! If not I have to decide between different shipclasses or buyable engines

My second question: What exactly do I have to change or add to the content.dll to make my new factions appearing in mission and bribe texts? I added the factions in these files: resources.dll
But I read that I also have to add something to the content.dll (The factionname is fc_ap_grp and the IDs are 196943 and 196944)!
My last question: How can I make a max. Level above level 40? I already changed the pthough.ini, but it does only work till level 40. I think I have to change something in the content.dll, but what?
Thanks to all for your help and to the modmakers for their great mods! Since I started my own mod I know how much work you do!!!