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Power Mods
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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hey , i was wondering if any 1 knew , or had any power mods ?
Power mods? like increasing the capacity of your power plants? Or makinf buyable/upgradable power plants? I can whip you up a 'power mod' if thats what you mean.
I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.
According to radiometric dating I am a lot older than you think
I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.
According to radiometric dating I am a lot older than you think

fraid not, because its called cheating, and since i have yet to see a single server that says "modding and unfair advantages over other players welcome on this server" in server rules, I am affraid that i won't tell you where to find the information your looking for
Its best off to respect the server admins wishes - remember - they pay out ALOT of money to run that server that you want to "do as you like - sod the rules".
Pay out for:
HIGH SPEC MACHINE to run the server - 24/7 (600 pounds or 1200 dollars)
24/7 connection DEDICATED for the server - I can only guess how much that costs - but around 35pounds in the uk PER MONTH(around 70dollars!!!)
Now maybe they have spare comps, but i have to find ONE server operator that i have talked to that hasn't spent several hundred pounds on upgrades of hardware SPECIFICALLY for the server. These guys have like 1 gig of memory, dual CPU's, and lots of other little addons. All for the PUBLIC to enjoy the game. They spend lots of time making backups incase of problems!. One person going AGAINST what the server wishes, when the person ASKING you not to cheat has outlayed/continues to outlay THAT much money for NOTHING in return - sheesh.
Face it, your debt to them for running the server without charge to play on it obey the god damned rules. Now if you still think that its fair that you should be able to fire non-stop when no-one else can - well, suggest you ask the admin to equip your ship with the infinite power supply. He can do that - although if its against their rules, you might find yourself banned after asking. Make a choice
Edited by - Chips on 5/12/2004 9:01:52 AM

Its best off to respect the server admins wishes - remember - they pay out ALOT of money to run that server that you want to "do as you like - sod the rules".
Pay out for:
HIGH SPEC MACHINE to run the server - 24/7 (600 pounds or 1200 dollars)
24/7 connection DEDICATED for the server - I can only guess how much that costs - but around 35pounds in the uk PER MONTH(around 70dollars!!!)
Now maybe they have spare comps, but i have to find ONE server operator that i have talked to that hasn't spent several hundred pounds on upgrades of hardware SPECIFICALLY for the server. These guys have like 1 gig of memory, dual CPU's, and lots of other little addons. All for the PUBLIC to enjoy the game. They spend lots of time making backups incase of problems!. One person going AGAINST what the server wishes, when the person ASKING you not to cheat has outlayed/continues to outlay THAT much money for NOTHING in return - sheesh.
Face it, your debt to them for running the server without charge to play on it obey the god damned rules. Now if you still think that its fair that you should be able to fire non-stop when no-one else can - well, suggest you ask the admin to equip your ship with the infinite power supply. He can do that - although if its against their rules, you might find yourself banned after asking. Make a choice

Edited by - Chips on 5/12/2004 9:01:52 AM
Why bother with unlimited power? You already know nomads use no powers why not stick with them?
PS: I thought this time some1 can bring up these "powers" which were ripped off from players. I still can not do anything with these cuz no functions attached to them. Darn it.
Peace doesn't exist between the livings, but the dead.
Edited by - Guardian-Q on 5/13/2004 12:46:23 PM
PS: I thought this time some1 can bring up these "powers" which were ripped off from players. I still can not do anything with these cuz no functions attached to them. Darn it.
Peace doesn't exist between the livings, but the dead.
Edited by - Guardian-Q on 5/13/2004 12:46:23 PM
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