Capital ship problems YET again i an going nutz here
PLEASE help me i am soo very frustrated....
i did everything to the letter in the tutorial made by nephillim,..i am making some additional systems in a mod i am creating....i was tryingto add the cap ships for a little more depth to the random missions and encounters ya know teh usual reasons to blast the piss out of a cruiser
if anyone needs specific copies of my ini files for investigation just tell me i will happily post them or e-mail them to you
now my problem is this;
I add all the files as stated in the afore mentioned turtorial...wit the only differance being i am not adding the encounters to the system you stated but my own labled KU08.
in my folder i am using for my mod i have the following files...
data\missions\encounters...all the capship ini files and the capitalship escorts file that were stated to create.
now the issue is when i have dais folders in my data folder, i can launch teh FLServer and then FL. Once in the game i access my lan game and when it loads if i am in space it will crash my server. If i am i na base it will crash the server when i leave the base....i am at a complete loss for a reason why because i have gone over the ini's with a fine toothed comb and can see no errors in the file there a conflict with my server or is it not possible to play it at all in a custom mod??? or do i have to load the capship encounters thing as a seperate mod ( i cannot see a reason i cannot have it in my created systems mod) please help me i am at my witrs end here about to throw my computer into a jumpgate myself
i hope to get a reply soon thanks
i did everything to the letter in the tutorial made by nephillim,..i am making some additional systems in a mod i am creating....i was tryingto add the cap ships for a little more depth to the random missions and encounters ya know teh usual reasons to blast the piss out of a cruiser

if anyone needs specific copies of my ini files for investigation just tell me i will happily post them or e-mail them to you

now my problem is this;
I add all the files as stated in the afore mentioned turtorial...wit the only differance being i am not adding the encounters to the system you stated but my own labled KU08.
in my folder i am using for my mod i have the following files...
data\missions\encounters...all the capship ini files and the capitalship escorts file that were stated to create.
now the issue is when i have dais folders in my data folder, i can launch teh FLServer and then FL. Once in the game i access my lan game and when it loads if i am in space it will crash my server. If i am i na base it will crash the server when i leave the base....i am at a complete loss for a reason why because i have gone over the ini's with a fine toothed comb and can see no errors in the file there a conflict with my server or is it not possible to play it at all in a custom mod??? or do i have to load the capship encounters thing as a seperate mod ( i cannot see a reason i cannot have it in my created systems mod) please help me i am at my witrs end here about to throw my computer into a jumpgate myself