Have you got the Freelancer.ini file INSIDE your mods EXE folder? That is the main reason for loadout errors, that and missing dl files (if you type in 66666 for example, you will need the infocards.dll file in that folder and the freelancer.ini file in that folder. The tool cannot edit a thing without the Freelancer.ini file, and its in consecutive entries in this file. Hence if you have your new one at the top of the dll list, your numbers will be from 1 to around 65000 or somethign like that. If you put it after the last one, the numbers will be 460000 or so to start with. If in doubt, put all the dll files listed (all six of them) into your exe folder for the mod along with the Freelancer.ini file. Then edit that file and add your new dll file (you can rename it to whatever - like spannermonkey.dll - as long as the reference in the freelancer.ini file then points to spannermonkey.dll as well

). Now get to work, as you will have the dll files as templates to use to make adding info to your new dll about 100 times faster