@Zero117: Try this. I'm not totally certain it will work but you seem to be in alot of pain here.

You asked for exactness so I'm going to try to be as exact as possible.
Explore to your mods folder. You should have a data folder inside that. Open it up. Find the equipment folder. Open it up. Find the market_ships.ini file. Right click and open with notepad. If you see something at the top like this:
BINI Ø Ì % 3 Õ 8 > ñ D K R W a i <
o z % † Q ” / œ ¨ ¡ ± i ý æ ´ µ €8 » ³ À ¿
Get on the internet.Download FLIniEditorv1.44 from the downloads page. Extract it. Run it.
Go to file and click Open.
Navigate to the market_ships.ini in your mod.
Click on market_ships.ini.
Click on the Text(Q) button on the FLIniEditorv1.44 interface. Go back up to file and click on save.
Exit FLIniEditorv1.44
Explore to your mod/data/equipment folder again.
Now make a copy of this folder and move it to your desktop.
Go into the copy.
Open the market_ships.ini file.
should now look like this:
base = Br01_01_base
marketgood = gf1_package, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
marketgood = gf2_package, 4, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
marketgood = gf4_package, 13, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
except alot longer.
Scroll down until you find your base.
This is the part where I can't be too exact because I don't know how many bases you have or what two letter prefix you gave your system. In your other post you said you wanted to be able to buy a Dromedary in your new system so that's what I'll go with.
If you selecte ZE for your two letter prefix for your new system then your base should be Ze01_01_base.
When you find your base (should be the last base entry) write down the "base = " line you will need this in a minute.
Now explore back to your mod data/equipment. Delete, yes delete, your mods equipment folder. Remember you have a back up on your desktop so you should be good.
Now exit.
Now open up one of your shippack mods. In that mod's folder you will find a file that says "script". Make a copy of this file to desktop. Right click on the file and go to open with and select notepad. Highlight everything and delete it all.
Copy and paste this in:
<header name="Zero117's Dromedary">
Zero117. Well Kinda.
If Kaegogi is right this will make a Dromedary available at my base.
<data file="data\equipment\market_ships.ini" method="append">
base =
marketgood = bwfr_package, 10, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
Now staying in notepad add the "base =" value where it belongs in the above script. The one I told you to write down. Should be something like Ze01_01_base
important!! Add another square bracket to the end of the [BaseGood line. For some reason that won't show up in this post and that must be there.
Explore to FLMM/mods and make a new folder. Name it anything you want. Move the script you just made into this new folder. Rename it to "script" (without the parentheses) Important. This has to be a XML document (you should see a little planet on the file icon) If you did save as and it turns out as a .txt then I don't think FLMM will recognize it.
If I know what I'm talking about (and that's a big if

) you should now be able to activate your mods together with the new one you just made. So activate your system, the shippack, your new mod, and OpenSP.
If things are still jacked up you have simply to replace your equipment folder, clear your desktop and delete your new mod. You will then be back to square one. If you want you can wait until Chips or someone of his knowledge gives the green light but it can't hurt to try, you might learn something. I know I have writing this.
One warning: Doing this means your base won't sell anything but the Dromedary. No guns, no commodities, no shield batteries, nothing. The rest of the universe should be fine because what we just did was stop your original system mod from overwriting the equipment folder in FL. We just told FLMM to append the Dromedary for sale at your base in the market_ships.ini
If you want to be able to buy anything else there you'll have to do what everyone else has had to do (what I told you to do in your last post) Read through the Newbie Questions threads and figure it out.
Good Luck.
Edit = To make it easier on you. If this works then you can use the same script above to add all the equipment, commodities, weapons etc. that you want to sell at your new base. All you have to do is open up the .ini files that govern what a base sells (market_misc and market_commodities). You then scroll down to your base, copy your bases entry and put it in the script you made. You would need two more <data file=><source></source></data> sections appending the files.
Edit#2 = If you try it let me know if it worked or not. If Chips or Accushot or someone else with alot of moding knowledge sees this please let me know if I'm giving bad advice here. Thanks.
Edited by - kaegogi on 4/8/2004 11:05:44 AM
Edited by - kaegogi on 4/8/2004 11:09:43 AM