umm, don't change to moors unless you know what your doing

that requires some extra work so the moors will actually dock you to base rather then just leave ya sitten in stall outside the station

That's a topic for another thread, but if I recall correctly it's changing the moor lines of docking_sphere= to "jump" in the solararch.ini. So don't change the docking of ships to moor over berths untill you change the solararch to allow you to moor, else you'll just end up stuck in space
If it's a custom model, I'de recommend moving your HpMount further up front on your ship cause the docking sequence ends based on when the HpMount "crosses the threshold," and would probably be a better option then activating all moors
In other words, forget about mooring, just move your hp mount infront of your ship

(well unless it's a really really freakin large ship of battleship and up size, then if your hpmount is too far forwards the rear will crash into the planets when you undock, causing you to die... but as long as it's not "that" big, you can move the hpmount up front)