The mod of the future!
I got this from the game 'X2The Threat' where when you dock you have to direct your ship aroind inside the station untill you get to a sort of cage like thing.You fly into it then stop and ....wolah your docked! But the mod also includes 130 new stations, 80 new planets ( i havent really counted them all yet) and 30 somting new ships! Completly new! And all of the other ships form the other mods available on this server! You probly r wondering about the Nav map, well ive fixed that. There now is a Hypergate like the one the nomads get sucked into and once you r through that your nav map will change to a totally new one! You are no longer in Sirius but in Aldeberan! A star system far off in the universe!

After the nomads were got rid off, the houses started to wonder how to make these hypergates so they eventually cracked it! Liberty were in development of the hypergate and were the other houses but Brtonia had already made one! They based it in Dublin as the other Houses dont pay any attention to it. When the hypergate was ready they sent a fleet of Britonia Destroyers and Gunboats not thinking of wot would be on the other side they got impatient and sent only one quarter of the fleet through as the rest was still on the way to Dublin. The small fleet went through and almost imediatly the hypergate collapsed in on itself! The hypergate pulled everything in with it! The Britonia engineers had underestermated the power of the hypergate! Soon the hypergate started to close into a small hole! The hypergate had turned into a blackhole! The rest of the fleet arrived soon but were greeted by a MONSTEROUS fleet of ships! The Britonia fleet was still moving foward, even the crew didnt notice because they were gone! The strange ships started to seperate into groups. The Britonia ships drifted off into empty space leaving only the strange fleet of ships in the Dublin system. Soon some traders arived to go buy some gold but found that where there was once the open space of Dublin was now a city! The traders tried to get out of Dublin but were greeted by some very unusual ships. The traders made a run for it but the ships opened fire! Not on the traders but on the Jumpgate! The traders tried to dock but only two out of the 5 got through the gate. They then went immidiatly to the Britonia goverment and told them what happend. The word soon reached the other houses as well who werent too happy! The houses argued and argued not noticing that in their own systems strange things were happening! Well thats all you will find out now but dont worry it will soon b finished and you can soon try it out! So adios,ciao,asta luego, avoir, and finally bye!
Edited by - Stinger on 3/25/2004 4:38:32 PM