a couple of problems with a ship i''m working on...
i can't seem to get the textures to show up in game. no, the ship isn't invisble or anything - it's actually showing as a white untextured model when i fly it, as long as i have some kind of material for it in the .mat file. however, the material won't show. i've tried creating new .mat files with the UTF editor and the .mat file exporter for milkshape, and i get the same problem every time. i'm using 24-bit, non-compressed .tga files for textures, and i've flipped them as it says to do in drizz' tutorial. the shiparch.ini file points to the right .mat file, and almost everything else about the ship (infocard, hardpoints, etc..) are fine.
here's a tricky one that is kind of odd - and i'm just asking it in this thread because i just noticed it and was asking question 1 anyway

the only thing that seems to be able to hit my ship while i'm flying it are missiles. beam weaponry passes straight through, and though it will drop my shields, it will never actually hit my hull. is this a problem with the model or with an .ini file? if someone could direct me to a thread where this type of question is answered, that would be great!