Strange asteroid limitation...
Hello all! (this is my first post
) I hope this is in the right forum...
While attempting to "remake" the New York system slightly differently and larger, I ran into this interesting problem:
I placed the badlands nebula and asteroid field close to the edge of the map, but not too close. The nebula showed up fine, but I discovered that the asteroids showed up only in a particular area of the nebula (even though the defined asteroid field covered almost all of the nebula).
By altering the asteroid draw distance to 20k (from 2k or so), I discovered that the asteroids were bound within a certain region of the original map size. Asteroids were only created by the game at points within a square approx 140x140 to -140x-140 coordinates. My asteroid/nebula field was mostly out of that zone so it ended up with a complete nebula and a small thin asteroid field bounded on one side by my coded boundary and cut-off on the other end with this odd 90 degree corner. I tested this in several other locations on the map as well...
I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem or has a solution. Oh, and has this has already been discussed before? I searched but couldn't find a topic of this sort... thanks
Edited by - Metral on 3/12/2004 12:22:29 AM

While attempting to "remake" the New York system slightly differently and larger, I ran into this interesting problem:
I placed the badlands nebula and asteroid field close to the edge of the map, but not too close. The nebula showed up fine, but I discovered that the asteroids showed up only in a particular area of the nebula (even though the defined asteroid field covered almost all of the nebula).
By altering the asteroid draw distance to 20k (from 2k or so), I discovered that the asteroids were bound within a certain region of the original map size. Asteroids were only created by the game at points within a square approx 140x140 to -140x-140 coordinates. My asteroid/nebula field was mostly out of that zone so it ended up with a complete nebula and a small thin asteroid field bounded on one side by my coded boundary and cut-off on the other end with this odd 90 degree corner. I tested this in several other locations on the map as well...
I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem or has a solution. Oh, and has this has already been discussed before? I searched but couldn't find a topic of this sort... thanks
Edited by - Metral on 3/12/2004 12:22:29 AM