Very little i'm afraid, have you tried searching?
Anyway, there are 7 files in DATA/RANDOMMISSIONS (good place to start

). Here's what they're for:
1. diff2money.ini
Determines how much money you are likely to get for a mission, depending on the difficulty. Fairly easy to edit, first value is difficulty and second is money.
2. killablesolars.ini
Does what it says on the tin - lists the solars that are spawned for you to take out in rand missions. These are referenced in other files.
3. npcranktodiff.ini
Determines what difficulty/rank enemies you encounter on the missions, based on the mission difficulty.
4. rmlootinfo.ini
This file lists the *bonus* loot dropped by npc's. It includes all the regular drops, not the mission-critcal loot. An example:
archetype = commodity_alien_artifacts ;<--- ummm...guess
num_to_drop = 1, 2 ;<--- Drop between 1 and 2
faction = fc_c_grp, fc_j_grp, fc_h_grp, fc_lr_grp, gd_z_grp ;Only dropped by "illegals"
difficulty_range = 21, 56 ;appears from enemies between these diffs
weight = 1
The "weight = " line is the relative probability of it being dropped, e.g. Shield batteries have a weight of 3, so they are more likely to appear.
5. solarformations.ini
This details the layout of the bases you are required to destroy. Fairly obvious this one, position is relative to the center of the formation, usually the big solar, and each solar is either optional or mandatory. THE MAIN SOLAR MUST BE MANDATORY.
6. vignettecriticalloot.ini
Very simple, simply describes the types of mission-critical loot that can be dropped. For loot that must be returned to the base set "type = return", otherwise "type = destroy"
7. vignetteparams.ini
Finally, the big one. Warning - do not attempt to follow this file manually, it can cause serious brain damage B-)
Seriously, this file determines the flow of the missions. I've had several goes at decoding it but to no avail. However, since most of the random missions are almost exactly the same anyway, it can't be too important.
Anyway, that's about all the general info I know, if I think of anything else I'll let you know.