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What would you like to see in a mod?
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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Hypothetically, what would you like to see in a mod? Doesn't matter how much time it costs, however it has to be doable so no things like battleships that are piloted by multiple persons or stuff like that?
Hmmm may be if each person is actually a turret? :þ
I'd like to see Juni!!! Errrmmm Tobias! May be even Casper and Kress. They'd have some interesting things, missions and etc that'd be awesome!
Some spin off of the original story.
I'd like to see more variations in the rumours, and jobs. Destroyable stations. I dunno if it's impossible, but make it so that the station will respawn after sometimes, just like regular fighters.
This'd be nice: Make it so that I could have wingmen just like in the campaign. Possibly Juni and Tobias and the German guy Von something When doing certain missions. Eh, even Casper and his Order capital ship, forgot the name >_<. They'd be able to say things like "Trent, we need to move faster!" eh heh
or something like that using the old sound files.
Oh 1 more thing what about a neuralizer, like the one in MIB, think that's the name
This'd allow you to make all enemies forget that you're hostile to them
I think it'd only require a small tweak or something like that to the faction numbers. Not that hard
Dunno how implementable these are, but if possible that'd be awesome. I know that some these are already available in certain mods. So just a couple more left
Edited by - Visconti on 3/3/2004 12:59:45 AM
I'd like to see Juni!!! Errrmmm Tobias! May be even Casper and Kress. They'd have some interesting things, missions and etc that'd be awesome!
Some spin off of the original story.
I'd like to see more variations in the rumours, and jobs. Destroyable stations. I dunno if it's impossible, but make it so that the station will respawn after sometimes, just like regular fighters.
This'd be nice: Make it so that I could have wingmen just like in the campaign. Possibly Juni and Tobias and the German guy Von something When doing certain missions. Eh, even Casper and his Order capital ship, forgot the name >_<. They'd be able to say things like "Trent, we need to move faster!" eh heh

Oh 1 more thing what about a neuralizer, like the one in MIB, think that's the name

Dunno how implementable these are, but if possible that'd be awesome. I know that some these are already available in certain mods. So just a couple more left

Edited by - Visconti on 3/3/2004 12:59:45 AM
Hmmm may be if each person is actually a turret? :þ
-Still not possible if I'm mistaken
I'd like to see Juni!!! Errrmmm Tobias! May be even Casper and Kress. They'd have some interesting things, missions and etc that'd be awesome!
-They can be used as docking characters, dunno about the voices, or if you can use them as characters in a bar but could be sweet if someone would mod that.
Some spin off of the original story.
-You mean like mod an addition to the SP? You'd need to get the voice actors to do stuff, doubtful
I'd like to see more variations in the rumours, and jobs. Destroyable stations. I dunno if it's impossible, but make it so that the station will respawn after sometimes, just like regular fighters.
-I think destroyable stations have been tried before but if someone just docked there last the server crashes.
This'd be nice: Make it so that I could have wingmen just like in the campaign. Possibly Juni and Tobias and the German guy Von something When doing certain missions. Eh, even Casper and his Order capital ship, forgot the name >_<. They'd be able to say things like "Trent, we need to move faster!" eh heh or something like that using the old sound files.
-Sweet, dunno if it's doable but would be cool if someone could mod that, or if you could even hire wingmen on a base.
Oh 1 more thing what about a neuralizer, like the one in MIB, think that's the name This'd allow you to make all enemies forget that you're hostile to them I think it'd only require a small tweak or something like that to the faction numbers. Not that hard
-Neuraliser, a bribe effectively does the same you just get a reputation hit but otherwise this would be too abusable anyways.
-Still not possible if I'm mistaken
I'd like to see Juni!!! Errrmmm Tobias! May be even Casper and Kress. They'd have some interesting things, missions and etc that'd be awesome!
-They can be used as docking characters, dunno about the voices, or if you can use them as characters in a bar but could be sweet if someone would mod that.
Some spin off of the original story.
-You mean like mod an addition to the SP? You'd need to get the voice actors to do stuff, doubtful

I'd like to see more variations in the rumours, and jobs. Destroyable stations. I dunno if it's impossible, but make it so that the station will respawn after sometimes, just like regular fighters.
-I think destroyable stations have been tried before but if someone just docked there last the server crashes.
This'd be nice: Make it so that I could have wingmen just like in the campaign. Possibly Juni and Tobias and the German guy Von something When doing certain missions. Eh, even Casper and his Order capital ship, forgot the name >_<. They'd be able to say things like "Trent, we need to move faster!" eh heh or something like that using the old sound files.
-Sweet, dunno if it's doable but would be cool if someone could mod that, or if you could even hire wingmen on a base.
Oh 1 more thing what about a neuralizer, like the one in MIB, think that's the name This'd allow you to make all enemies forget that you're hostile to them I think it'd only require a small tweak or something like that to the faction numbers. Not that hard
-Neuraliser, a bribe effectively does the same you just get a reputation hit but otherwise this would be too abusable anyways.
Some spin off of the original story.
-You mean like mod an addition to the SP? You'd need to get the voice actors to do stuff, doubtful
No, that's not what I mean. You remember CnC covert operation? Basically these NPC chars would give you missions and talk to you through dialog boxes. They won't really talk or say anything. However if possible make it so that they'd follow you around too when you do mission for them, just like in sp. They'd basically form up with you.
Now if someone could make that that'd be awesome!

What I'd like to see in a Mod:
Missions that go through multiple sectors.
Missions that start with you forming up with an attack group
Pirate missions that have you search out freighters and liners of specific factions or require you to find certain resources and bring them back to the base.
Missions where inteligence is Way off base and you end up doing something or encountering something far different from what you expected.
Like to see specially crafted NPC Bounty hunters and Freelancers that will come after you hired by factions who, let's say, you max out on the hostile rating. So you could be anywhere and have them track you down. Could even make it so there is a percentage chance you'll get special attention from an organization if you complete X amount of missions against them. These hunters would be ACE pilots with all kinds of suped up weaponry and equipment. Fast ships, super shields etc...
perhaps expand the combat area around waypoint so that our employers don't think were running from a fight even though were engaged in combat with those they hired us to kill.
I really like what the folks did with the evolutions mod. They made it so pilots eject and then can be captured and have various monetary values depending who you sell/return them to.
Real Space effects, lighting and shading, are a must. That makes the experience so much more fun and realistic.
Id love to be able to shoot missles at targets behind me. Make it so missles could be mounted on Turrets
MERVable mines
Bases and weapons platforms and battleships should be extemely deadly to hostiles.
Make it so you can purchase a new identity so to speak. For instance, when you purchase a new ship some factions would have no idea who you were. Or you could purchase a new identity beacon for your equipment. Might have to do missions or something for the person who could make Trent virtually disappear or fake his death..heh May even make it somewhat temporary, perhaps just enough time to get into an enemy factions base and puchase some equipment or run some missions. If they figure out you've infiltrated them they come after you. LOL that would be awesome
Make it so you can not CAMP outside an enemy base for long. Gradually increase the level and ability of ships that respond to the attack. Perhaps even make it so there is a chance some of their UBER pilots show up let's say after ten or fifteen minutes of Camping a base.
I'd like to see those pilots that are almost more often. Would be more realistic and make it harder to get kills. Might even make folks start using the anti cruise missles more often. Does anyone even use those now as is?????
Might make it so some factions are ultra-difficult to turn towards friendly. That alone would make a difference, but then make it so they are a sort of agent. This could be simulated by giving a pay bonus for Goods sold that originate from the enemy bases. This could simulate the transfer of sensetive or classified information under the guise of freelancing.
Sheesh..I'm not asking for much eh? I'll shut my trap now.
Missions that go through multiple sectors.
Missions that start with you forming up with an attack group
Pirate missions that have you search out freighters and liners of specific factions or require you to find certain resources and bring them back to the base.
Missions where inteligence is Way off base and you end up doing something or encountering something far different from what you expected.
Like to see specially crafted NPC Bounty hunters and Freelancers that will come after you hired by factions who, let's say, you max out on the hostile rating. So you could be anywhere and have them track you down. Could even make it so there is a percentage chance you'll get special attention from an organization if you complete X amount of missions against them. These hunters would be ACE pilots with all kinds of suped up weaponry and equipment. Fast ships, super shields etc...
perhaps expand the combat area around waypoint so that our employers don't think were running from a fight even though were engaged in combat with those they hired us to kill.
I really like what the folks did with the evolutions mod. They made it so pilots eject and then can be captured and have various monetary values depending who you sell/return them to.
Real Space effects, lighting and shading, are a must. That makes the experience so much more fun and realistic.
Id love to be able to shoot missles at targets behind me. Make it so missles could be mounted on Turrets
MERVable mines
Bases and weapons platforms and battleships should be extemely deadly to hostiles.
Make it so you can purchase a new identity so to speak. For instance, when you purchase a new ship some factions would have no idea who you were. Or you could purchase a new identity beacon for your equipment. Might have to do missions or something for the person who could make Trent virtually disappear or fake his death..heh May even make it somewhat temporary, perhaps just enough time to get into an enemy factions base and puchase some equipment or run some missions. If they figure out you've infiltrated them they come after you. LOL that would be awesome
Make it so you can not CAMP outside an enemy base for long. Gradually increase the level and ability of ships that respond to the attack. Perhaps even make it so there is a chance some of their UBER pilots show up let's say after ten or fifteen minutes of Camping a base.
I'd like to see those pilots that are almost more often. Would be more realistic and make it harder to get kills. Might even make folks start using the anti cruise missles more often. Does anyone even use those now as is?????
Might make it so some factions are ultra-difficult to turn towards friendly. That alone would make a difference, but then make it so they are a sort of agent. This could be simulated by giving a pay bonus for Goods sold that originate from the enemy bases. This could simulate the transfer of sensetive or classified information under the guise of freelancing.
Sheesh..I'm not asking for much eh? I'll shut my trap now.
make it so when you buy a certain kind of ship, you do the kind of missions. ex. if you buy a transport or a freighter, you can be paid to deliver some things from base to base. or if you buy a prison ship you can take missions of delivering prisoners. also that you can start with no ship and when you go into a bar, you can actually work for them and they give you a faction ship and weapons. and if you cant fit all the factions in one base, you can pay to be transported by a transport to another base and find your faction there. Also, I would want a mod with escort missions.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
What would I like to see?
A ship mountable HYPERDRIVE!
Uses a waypoint you set to determine where you jump into hyperspace and has preset coordinates in your destination system where you jump back into normal space(usually at the edge of the destination system). You can also only jump into systems that you have already been to using a jump gate or hole.
You could also have missiles similar to cruise disruptors that disable your hyperdrive for said amount of time (I'm talking minutes, not seconds) and only certain ships would be able to mount hyperdrives due to ship size.
Just a suggestion but I honestly don't think it's possible due to hard coding, but a suggestion none the less
PS: larger vessels could pull smaller ships into hyperspace with them so they don't loose their escort (like in Farscape or Andromeda!!!)
"Prepare to jump to slipstream..."
Edited by - Arvis_Taljik on 3/5/2004 1:05:32 AM
A ship mountable HYPERDRIVE!
Uses a waypoint you set to determine where you jump into hyperspace and has preset coordinates in your destination system where you jump back into normal space(usually at the edge of the destination system). You can also only jump into systems that you have already been to using a jump gate or hole.
You could also have missiles similar to cruise disruptors that disable your hyperdrive for said amount of time (I'm talking minutes, not seconds) and only certain ships would be able to mount hyperdrives due to ship size.
Just a suggestion but I honestly don't think it's possible due to hard coding, but a suggestion none the less

PS: larger vessels could pull smaller ships into hyperspace with them so they don't loose their escort (like in Farscape or Andromeda!!!)
"Prepare to jump to slipstream..."
Edited by - Arvis_Taljik on 3/5/2004 1:05:32 AM
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