clothing? sorry, aint looked yet.
To make a new faction want a commoditiy - this is it:
Faction_prop.ini file:
Here is the LWB (small example is why

affiliation = fc_lwb_grp
legality = unlawful
nickname_plurality = singular
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_faction_fc_lwb
jump_preference = jumphole
npc_ship = fc_lwb_ge_fighter4_d1-10
npc_ship = fc_lwb_ge_fighter4_d11
npc_ship = fc_lwb_ge_fighter4_d12
npc_ship = fc_lwb_ge_fighter5_d13-19
voice = pilot_f_ill_m01
voice = pilot_f_ill_m02
mc_costume = mc_fc
space_costume = pi_pirate1_head, pl_male3_peasant_body, comm_br_darcy
space_costume = pi_pirate2_head, pl_male3_peasant_body, comm_pi_pirate
space_costume = pi_pirate4_head, pl_male3_peasant_body, comm_br_darcy
space_costume = sh_male4_head, pl_male3_peasant_body, comm_pi_pirate
space_costume = ge_male2_head, pl_male3_peasant_body, comm_br_darcy
space_costume = ge_male1_head, pl_male3_peasant_body, comm_pi_pirate
firstname_male = 228008, 228207
lastname = 228408, 228663
rank_desig = 197119, 197120, 197121, 11, 13
formation_desig = 197808, 197820
scan_for_cargo = commodity_consumer_goods, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_food, 2
scan_for_cargo = commodity_H_fuel, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_luxury_food, 2
scan_for_cargo = commodity_oxygen, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_pharm, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_water, 0
scan_announce = false
scan_chance = 0.300000
formation = fighters, fighter_pirate
The bit in bold means that if YOUR carrying it (or other factions) and they scan them - then they will attack/ask to drop it. Put in the commodity as per goods.ini filename. The 0 1 or 2 represents the order i think its taken in. 2 is the most important, so if your carrying items such as luxury food, pharmaceuticals and water, it will ask for lux food first.
The scan announce means whether they tell you (like police) or if they don't tell you (like pirates). However, if they scan announce - it can be funny - as the bounty hunters have a "hold on, i've got something.........'drop the cargo'" announcement. Scan chance is the percentage (that is 30% chance of scaning) - so a 1.000 is a 100% chance of scanning ships they come across....
For them to carry a commodity - its in the equipment folder - commodities_per_faction.ini file
faction = co_shi_grp
MarketGood = commodity_alien_organisms, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_basic_alloys, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_boron, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_construction_machinery, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_consumer_goods, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_diamonds, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_engine_components, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_fertilizers, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_food, 0, 0
MarketGood = commodity_gold, 0, 0
Obviuosly the square bracket is the same (header) and then the name of your faction. then list what marketgoods they carry about with them...
Startup Screen
To make a new startup screen - look in the interface/intro/images folder, and you find four files. Startup_screen_16, Startup_screen_1280_16, and then the TGA versions of the same (named startup_screen and startup_screen_1280)
They are ALL the exact same image, BUT with different resolutions.
So you have 800 x 600 and 1280 x 960 24 bit bit depth and 71 dpi resolution. Okay - you need teh same bit depth, and you NEED all FOUR files as well.
Just make yours, save it in the correct format and size/bit depth with the same names, and it will work.
Station models
You will need to make a CMP file - and no - sur has not been done yet. Model a simple base (you won't be able to do animations for dock opening and stuff though) in milkshape - it will help to make it same size/shape as another base (well, near enough same size) as you can then just use another station sur file. Now open an existing station CMP file and take a butchers at the type of mounts in there - or even better- export an existing base file into milkshape and not only take a look, but see where they are (existing hardpoints and stuff). Then - copy. You will need the basics like HpDock obviously etc. Once done - treat like ship - but instead put it in solararch.ini file with loadout in the loadouts.ini file. The base model cmp and sur goes into dockable folder in the solars.
Planetscapes As far as i can see, these are slightly different - as they are in 3D imaging here. You need an editor for it as far as i know - but I don't know of one. I haven't had a look at this yet - but that is what i would assume. Yet again - open a base file up (room) and see what it references - then find that file and take a butchers at what it is etc, then find out whatcha can do for it.
All planetscapes will have a thn file associated which deals with the landing sequences, trafic, weather and so on. YOur new base file would be referenced in the cityscape file for your new base (or deck file if a station). You can edit thn files to change what flies past, what weather you have, and how the ship comes in for landing and so on.
Anyway - hope that helps.
Edited by - Chips on 2/26/2004 2:06:21 PM