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Star Trek total mod
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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ok i posted fictional star trek post and didn't get the response i wanted, what i want is a total huge star trek only mod, can be done with non canon ships from the websites posted on my previous post. i know there are star trek ships in mods, but they are not the focus of those mods, i would like some one to make a mod for this subject, even star wars and babylon 5 have a mod why not star trek. i love that show and i love freelancer, i would do this mod myself except i suck at makin models of ships, tried before for flightsimulator and my fictional ship looked like crap. so i would apreciate serious takers on this and to try to get it done, thank you ever so much
The reason why people don't reply has nothing to do with the fact that they don't want to help or they are mardy gits, its probabily cause no-one liked the idea, or no-one is interested. Doesn't mean it won't work, because only a very small part of the FL commmunity knows about the forum - so they won't have read it.
Its also one heck of alot of work, and unless you get some real support its best off working on your own. HOWEVER, if you trip over the Frostworks - they have a star trek total conversion in the works - however, they also have alot else on, and it has been shelved for a while whilst New Universe is made.
Its also one heck of alot of work, and unless you get some real support its best off working on your own. HOWEVER, if you trip over the Frostworks - they have a star trek total conversion in the works - however, they also have alot else on, and it has been shelved for a while whilst New Universe is made.
Actually, I LOVED the idea and I'm planning to do that myself. I've already figured out how to re-configure the universe map, change the commodities and how much they go for. The only thing that I'm missing is how to use those schematics on that website you posted so the ships could be made. I do know how to re-configure a ship and change its hit points, cargo space, shield battery limit, etc... I can even make it where fighters and smaller craft can land on the thing. But I don't know how to /make/ the ships.
If you'd like, me and you could get together and work on this project. However, the only time I can be online is just a few hours a day and I have to use a public computer. I have to wait a few weeks before I can get mine back and then a while longer before I can get it connected to the internet. I was planning to wait until then before I started on it because it would give me plenty of time to plan it out and learn how to make the ship models based on the schematics on that website.
If you have any ideas yourself, twizted, you can email me at [email protected] with what you had in mind. Right now, that'd be the only way we can communicate ideas back and forth beside posting them here on the boards.
If you'd like, me and you could get together and work on this project. However, the only time I can be online is just a few hours a day and I have to use a public computer. I have to wait a few weeks before I can get mine back and then a while longer before I can get it connected to the internet. I was planning to wait until then before I started on it because it would give me plenty of time to plan it out and learn how to make the ship models based on the schematics on that website.
If you have any ideas yourself, twizted, you can email me at [email protected] with what you had in mind. Right now, that'd be the only way we can communicate ideas back and forth beside posting them here on the boards.
thank you guys for the replies and yes i know it takes awhile to make these mods for the games, i'm not an idiot. just like i said really wanted to hear replies to this idea and now that i have i won't bug anyone anymore just hope to keep this up and runnin to hear about progress on the mod i guess i am now colaberating on with syGullian, thanks for the replies guys
hop along to Frost Works, they're making a Star Trek Total Conversion MOD!
- The home of Freelancer: Rebirth, the prequel to Freelancer!

Try contacting Frostworks is perhaps what my post should have said. Mainly as I am sure they want that finished off, but not sure if they would let it out to anyone else though.................but its worth a try. I say that because anything that can shave off the 400+ hours that you will spend at LEAST to get going is a good start.
And don't take offense to suggestions / thoughts here - as no-one called anyone an idiot..........I was just pointing out the reason why you might not have got stacks of responses.........
And don't take offense to suggestions / thoughts here - as no-one called anyone an idiot..........I was just pointing out the reason why you might not have got stacks of responses.........
It always has been released to the public, so there is no reason why it won't be. However, the one thing they do like to do, is keep the servers as their own instead. For that reason there are never that many servers running their mod, but it does ensure that you get a good loyal crowd on them thouhg - and that breeds a very lively, freindly and dedicated atmosphere.
sorry for my posts sounding annoyed or like an asshole, but yeh your post kinda implied sounding that way, again apoligies and the time i posted that i was on very little sleep thanks to work and a broken car, and thanks again for the link to frost works, i don't wanna take away from what they are doing, hope it comes out good can't wait for them to finish that mod sounds like it will be great
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